Interface DocumentObject

DocumentObject is an interface describing the attributes of a selected item.


interface DocumentObject

Property signatures

Name Description
description A user-contributed description of the selected item.
duration The duration of a selected video.
embedUrl A URL for this item suitable for embedding in a web page.
iconUrl A URL to an icon for this item.
id The ID for the selected item.
isNew Returns true if the selected item was just uploaded.
lastEditedUtc The timestamp describing when this item was last edited.
latitude The latitude of the selected item.
longitude The longitude of the selected item.
mimeType The MIME type of this item.
name The name of this item.
parentId The parent ID of this item. For example, the folder containing this file.
phoneNumbers The phone numbers of the selected item.
serviceId An id describing the service this item was selected from.
thumbnails An array of Thumbnails which describe the attributes of a photo or video. Thumbnails aren't returned if the selected items belong to Google Drive.
type The type of the selected item.
url A URL to this item.