My Activity Schema Reference

Exported Object: Activity records
Exported Object represents: Timestamped records of your activity across different Google Products
Object is exported in these formats: HTML JSON
Exported object has the following fields:
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Data Field * Field Definition Data Field Type
header The card title that will typically be either an app name, domain name, or product name.

YouTube: YouTube
Search: Domain name
Ads: Ads
My Ad Center: My Ad Center
Maps: Maps
Google Play: Google Play
title High level summary of the user activity.

YouTube: Watched..., Subscribed to..., Visited ...
Search: Searched for ..., Viewed ..., Visited ...
Ads: Visited, Viewed
My Ad Center: Chose to see more ads from, Chose to see fewer ads from, Blocked an ad from, Liked an add from
Maps: Viewed area around..., Directions to..., a specific address, Searched for...
Google Play: Visited..., Searched..., Installed..., Read...
titleUrl Url used in the title.

YouTube: youtube url
Search: Searched, Visited, Viewed url
Ads: landing site url, business name
My Ad Center: topic
Maps: url with location coordinates
Google Play: Play Store entities url
subtitles Detailed user activity shown underneath the title.

YouTube: Channel information name and url, ...
description Extra information that helps explain the activity taken by the user. string
time Time and date the user did the activity.

Maps: 2023-08-23T03:49:28.734Z
products The Products that this data is a part of.

YouTube: Youtube
Search: Search
Ads: Google Ads
My Ad Center: Ads
Maps: Maps
Google Play: Google Play Store/Games/Books
details Used to display information about where the user activity comes from, such as if the user activity was the result of the user interacting with an ad or app.

YouTube: "From Google Ads"
activityControls Shows the Google data collection settings (like Location History and Web & App Activity) that save data in a user’s Google account that the exported data is part of.

YouTube: YouTube watch history, YouTube search history
Search: Web App Activity
Maps: Web App Activity
Google Play: Google Play activities
locationInfos The location(s) associated with this activity. string
imageFile The local file name for the image attachment. string
audioFiles The list of local file names for the audio attachments. list
attachedFiles The list of local file names for the attached files. list
Exported Object: Image attachments
Exported Object represents: Images related to your activity records
Object is exported in these formats: JPEG PNG WEBP
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Exported Object: Audio attachments
Exported Object represents: Audio files related to your activity records
Object is exported in these formats: MPEG
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Exported Object: CSV attachments
Exported Object represents: CSV files related to your activity records
Object is exported in these formats: CSV
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
A table representing Resource Groups and the objects that are exported with it.
Resource Group * Description Exported Objects Time Filter Description This resource group contains data for YouTube activity, including ad interactions on YouTube.
Activity records
Image attachments
Audio attachments
CSV attachments
The timestamp when the user did the activity.
myactivity.maps This resource group contains data for Maps activity, including ad interactions on Maps.
Activity records
Image attachments
Audio attachments
CSV attachments
The timestamp when the user did the activity. This resource group contains data for Google Search activity, including ad interactions on Google Search.
Activity records
Image attachments
Audio attachments
CSV attachments
The timestamp when the user did the activity.
myactivity.myadcenter This resource group contains My Ad Center activity.
Activity records
Image attachments
Audio attachments
CSV attachments
The timestamp when the user did the activity. This resource group contains data for Shopping activity, including ad interactions on Shopping.
Activity records
Image attachments
Audio attachments
CSV attachments
The timestamp when the user did the activity. This resource group contains data for Google Play activity, including ad interactions on Google Play.
Activity records
Image attachments
Audio attachments
CSV attachments
The timestamp when the user did the activity.
* To obtain the OAuth Scope Name for a particular Resource Group, append "" to the Resource Group. For example, the OAuth Scope Name for the "" Resource Group is "".