
This document describes how to authenticate to the Ad Manager API. How you authenticate depends on the interface you use and the environment where your code is running, but all API requests must include an access token with the Ad Manager API scope.

The Ad Manager client libraries use Application Default Credentials to generate access tokens with the Ad Manager API scope. This guide shows how to configure Application Default Credentials.

If you aren't using a client library, you still need to create credentials and use them to authorize your requests.

For more information about authentication and authorization, see the Using OAuth 2.0 guide.

Determine your authentication type

Authentication type Description
Service Account Choose this if you want to authenticate as dedicated account rather than a particular person.
Learn more.
Web application Choose this if you want to authenticate as any user who grants permission to your application to access their Ad Manager data.
Learn more
Local development Choose this if you want to authenticate as your own Google Account or a Service Account from your local development environment.

Enable the Ad Manager API

  1. Enable the Ad Manager API in your Google API Console Cloud Project.

  2. If prompted, select a project, or create a new one.

Create credentials

Click the tab for your authentication type and follow the instructions to create your credentials:

Service Account

On Google Cloud

To authenticate a workload running on Google Cloud, you use the credentials of the service account attached to the compute resource where your code is running.

For example, you can attach a service account to a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance, a Cloud Run service, or a Dataflow job. This approach is the preferred authentication method for code running on a Google Cloud compute resource.

For information about which resources you can attach a service account to, and help with attaching the service account to the resource, see the documentation on attaching a service account.

On-premises or on a different cloud provider

The preferred method to set up authentication from outside of Google Cloud is to use workload identity federation; you create a credential configuration file and set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to it. This approach is more secure than creating a service account key.

If you are not able to configure workload identity federation, then you must create a service account and create a key for the service account:

  1. Open the Google API Console Credentials page.

  2. On the Credentials page, select Create credentials, then select Service Account.

  3. Click the email address of the service account that you want to create a key for.

  4. Click the Keys tab.

  5. Click the Add key drop-down menu, then select Create new key.

  6. Select JSON as the Key type and click Create.

  7. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the JSON file.

Linux or macOS




Web application

  1. Open the Google API Console Credentials page.

  2. If prompted, select the project where you enabled the Ad Manager API.

  3. On the Credentials page, select Create credentials, then select OAuth client ID.

  4. Select the Web application application type.

  5. Fill in the form and click Create. Applications that use languages and frameworks like PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, and .NET must specify authorized redirect URIs. The redirect URIs are the endpoints to which the OAuth 2.0 server can send responses. These endpoints must adhere to Google's validation rules.

  6. After creating your credentials, download the client_secret.json file. Securely store the file in a location that only your application can access.

From here, follow the steps to obtain OAuth 2.0 access tokens

Local development

Set up Application Default Credentials (ADC) in your local environment.

Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

gcloud init

Create local authentication credentials for your Google Account and set the project ID to a project where the Ad Manager API is enabled:

gcloud auth application-default login --scopes=""
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project PROJECT_ID

Alternatively, authenticate as a Service Account setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of your key file.

Linux or macOS




Configure your Ad Manager network

Service Account

  1. Go to your Ad Manager network.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. Ensure that API access is enabled.
  4. Click the Add a service account user button.
  5. Fill in the form using the service account email. The service account user must be added to appropriate roles and teams for your API integration.
  6. Click the Save button. A message should appear, confirming the addition of your service account.
  7. View existing service account users by going to the Users tab and then clicking the Service Account filter.

Web application

  1. Go to your Ad Manager network.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. Ensure that API access is enabled.

Local Development

  1. Go to your Ad Manager network.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. Ensure that API access is enabled.

Without a client library

If you are not using a client library, we still strongly recommend using an OAuth2 library for authentication.

For detailed instructions on obtaining access tokens, see Using OAuth2 with Google APIs.

Access tokens

Include your access token in a request to the API by including either an access_token query parameter or an Authorization HTTP header Bearer value. When possible, the HTTP header is preferable, because query strings tend to be visible in server logs.

For example:

GET /v1/networks/1234
Authorization: Bearer ya29.a0Ad52N3_shYLX


Each access token is associated with one or more scopes. A scope controls the set of resources and operations that an access token permits. The Ad Manager API has only one scope. Authorization should be performed at the user level within the product.

Scope Permissions View and manage your campaigns on Google Ad Manager.