Przykładowe treści z kanału Działania

Poniższe przykłady pokazują kilka typowych scenariuszy działań dotyczących oglądania.

Przykładowe elementy każdego typu


Encja Movie reprezentująca fikcyjny film o nazwie „Mój ulubiony film”.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "name": "Example Package",
        "commonTier": true,
        "@id": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "CA"
  "sameAs": "",
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2008-01-20",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "description": "This is my favorite movie.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "IMDB_ID",
      "value":  "tt0123456"


Element TVSeries reprezentujący fikcyjny program telewizyjny o nazwie „Mój ulubiony program telewizyjny”.

   "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
   "@type": "TVSeries",
   "@id": "",
   "url": "",
   "name": "My Favorite TV Show",
   "potentialAction": {
     "@type": "WatchAction",
     "target": {
       "@type": "EntryPoint",
       "urlTemplate": "",
       "inLanguage": "en",
       "actionPlatform": [
       "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
         "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
         "category": "subscription",
         "requiresSubscription": {
           "@type": "MediaSubscription",
           "name": "Example Package",
           "commonTier": true,
           "@id": ""
         "availabilityStarts": "2017-07-21T10:35:29Z",
         "availabilityEnds": "2018-10-21T10:35:29Z",
         "eligibleRegion": [
             "@type": "Country",
             "name": "US"
             "@type": "Country",
             "name": "CA"
   "sameAs": "",
   "releasedEvent": {
     "@type": "PublicationEvent",
     "startDate": "2008-01-20",
     "location": {
       "@type": "Country",
       "name": "US"
   "popularityScore": {
     "@type": "PopularityScoreSpecification",
     "value": 4.1,
     "eligibleRegion": [
         "@type": "Country",
         "name": "US"
         "@type": "Country",
         "name": "CA"
   "description": "This is my favorite TV show.",
   "contentRating": "RATING NOT KNOWN",
   "actor": [
       "@type": "Person",
       "name": "John Doe",
       "sameAs": ""
       "@type": "Person",
       "name": "Jane Doe",
       "sameAs": ""
   "identifier": [
         "@type": "PropertyValue",
         "propertyID": "IMDB_ID",
         "value":  "tt0903747"


Element TVEpisode reprezentujący 14. odcinek 7. sezonu fikcyjnego serialu „Mój ulubiony serial”.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "TVEpisode",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "John Doe returns with a horse",
  "episodeNumber": 14,
  "contentRating": "TVPG TV-MA",
  "partOfSeason": {
    "@type": "TVSeason",
    "@id": "",
    "seasonNumber": 7
  "partOfSeries": {
    "@type": "TVSeries",
    "@id": "",
    "name": "My Favorite TV Show",
    "sameAs": ""
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
      "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "subscription",
        "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
        "availabilityStarts": "2017-07-21T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2018-10-21T10:35:29Z",
        "eligibleRegion": [
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "US"
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "CA"
  "sameAs": "",
  "duration": "PT00H25M",
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2014-01-09",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "popularityScore": {
    "@type": "PopularityScoreSpecification",
    "value": 3.9,
    "eligibleRegion": "EARTH"
  "description": "John Doe returns to the village three years after his disappearance.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
  "identifier": {
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "IMDB_ID",
      "value":  "tt3453320"


Element TVSeason reprezentujący 7. sezon fikcyjnego serialu telewizyjnego o nazwie „Mój ulubiony serial”

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "TVSeason",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "Season 7",
  "seasonNumber": 7,
  "partOfSeries": {
    "@type": "TVSeries",
    "@id": "",
    "name": "My Favorite TV Show",
    "sameAs": ""
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
      "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "subscription",
        "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
        "availabilityStarts": "2017-07-21T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2018-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "CA"
  "sameAs": "",
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2010-09-23",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "description": "The seventh season of My Favorite TV Show.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "sameAs": ""

Organizacja (operator telewizji)

Organization podmiot reprezentujący fikcyjnego dostawcę usług telewizyjnych „Przykładowa firma telewizyjna”, który oferuje usługę telewizji na żywo w sieci kablowej.

  "@id": "",
  "name": "Example Cable TV Company",
  "sameAs": ""


CableOrSatelliteService reprezentujący usługi telewizji kablowej w Nowym Jorku (DMA_ID=501), które są świadczone przez krajowego dostawcę usług telewizyjnych „Firma X – dostawca telewizji kablowej”.

  "name":"Example Cable TV Company - New York",
  "provider": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
      "@type": "GeoShape",
      "@id": "",
      "identifier": [
          "@type": "PropertyValue",
          "propertyID": "DMA_ID",
          "value": "501"


Podmiot Organization reprezentujący kanał „ExampleTV Channel”, który jest oferowany użytkownikom przez fikcyjnego dostawcę usług telewizyjnych „Example Cable TV Company” w Nowym Jorku.

  "name":"ExampleTV Channel",
  "sameAs": ""


Podmiot BroadcastService reprezentujący kanał „ExampleTV Channel”, który jest oferowany użytkownikom przez fikcyjnego dostawcę usług telewizyjnych „Example Cable TV Company” z Nowego Jorku. Elementy BroadcastService zawierają informacje o precyzyjnych linkach i wymaganiach dostępu do kanału

  "name": "ExampleTV Channel",
  "description": "A fictional TV broadcast service in HD",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": [
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "",
        "inLanguage": "en",
        "actionPlatform": [
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "",
        "inLanguage": "en",
        "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "@id": "",
        "name": "Basic subscription",
        "identifier": "",
        "commonTier": true
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "TMS_ID",
      "value": "102610"
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "_PARTNER_ID_",
      "value": "exampletv-12345"


Podmiot TelevisionChannel wskazujący, że kanał „ExampleTV Channel” jest dostępny na kanale 7 i jest częścią usług telewizji kablowej świadczonych w Nowym Jorku przez fikcyjnego dostawcę usług telewizyjnych „Example Cable TV Company”.



Encja BroadcastEvent reprezentująca transmisję filmu na kanale „ExampleTV” w dniach 12 lipca 2019 r. w godzinach 17:00–19:00.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "BroadcastEvent",
  "@id": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie",
  "description": "John Doe spent years perfecting his survival skills in a tropical jungle.",
  "startDate": "2019-07-12T17:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2019-07-12T19:00-08:00",
  "videoFormat": "HD",
  "isLiveBroadcast": "False",
  "publishedOn": {
    "@type": "BroadcastService",
    "@id": ""
  "workPerformed": {
    "@type": "Movie",
    "@id": ""


Element SportsEvent reprezentujący mecz koszykówki między 2 zespołami

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@id": "",
  "name":"2019 Professional Basketball Finals, Game 6: Team A at Team B",
  "description": {
      "@language": "en",
      "@value": "Game 6 of the 2019 Professional Basketball Finals. Team A leads the series 3-2 against Team B."
  "startDate": "2018-09-16T10:00-08:00",
  "endDate": "2018-09-16T13:00-08:00",
    "name":"Team B",
      "name":"Professional Basketball League",
        "name":"John doe"
    "name":"Team A",
        "name":"Jane Doe"
    "name":"Example Stadium",
      "streetAddress":"1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
      "addressLocality":"Mountain View",
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "TMS_ID",
      "value":  "EP000194303282"

element z linkiem w starym formacie na platformę Android i uniwersalnym linkiem do innych platform;

  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": [
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "",
        "inLanguage": "en",
        "actionPlatform": [
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "android-app://com.example/example-scheme/my_favorite_movie?autoplay=true",
        "inLanguage": "en",
        "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "name": "Example Package",
        "commonTier": true,
        "@id": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "CA"

Wymagania dotyczące ułatwień dostępu o określonym czasie obowiązywania

podmiot, który zmienia wymagania dotyczące ułatwień dostępu w czasie: free przez ograniczony czas i subscription później;

  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": [
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "free",
        "availabilityStarts": "2019-01-01T00:00Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2019-05-31T00:00Z",
        "eligibleRegion": {
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "subscription",
        "availabilityStarts": "2019-06-01T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2020-06-01T10:35:29Z",
        "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
        "eligibleRegion": [
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "US"
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "CA"

Wymagania dotyczące ułatwień dostępu na różnych platformach

Podmiot z wieloma wymaganiami dotyczącymi dostępności na różnych platformach: free na platformach komputerowych i mobilnych oraz subscription na platformie Chromecast.

  "potentialAction": [
      "@type": "WatchAction",
      "target": {
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "",
        "inLanguage": "en",
        "actionPlatform": [
      "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "free",
        "availabilityStarts": "2019-01-01T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2020-05-31T10:35:29Z",
        "eligibleRegion": {
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
      "@type": "WatchAction",
      "target": {
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "",
        "inLanguage": "en",
        "actionPlatform": "",
      "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "subscription",
        "availabilityStarts": "2019-01-01T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2020-05-31T10:35:29Z",
        "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
        "eligibleRegion": [
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "US"
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "CA"

Użycie właściwości additionalProperty

Element Film, który pokazuje wykorzystanie właściwości additionalProperty i jej podrzędnych właściwości, aby podać informacje o treści i języku napisów, formacie filmu i użytym kącie kamery.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie",
  "potentialAction": [
      "@type": "WatchAction",
      "target": [
          "actionPlatform": [
          "additionalProperty": [
              "@type": "PropertyValue",
              "name": "contentLanguage",
              "value": [
              "@type": "PropertyValue",
              "name": "subtitleLanguage",
              "value": [
              "@type": "PropertyValue",
              "name": "videoFormat",
              "value": [
              "@type": "PropertyValue",
              "name": "cameraAngle",
              "value": [
      "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "subscription",
        "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
        "availabilityStarts": "2019-01-01T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2019-05-31T10:35:29Z",
        "eligibleRegion": [
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "US"
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "CA"

Element dostępny w wielu regionach i językach

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": [
      "@language": "en-us",
      "@value": "My Favorite Movie"
      "@language": "en-gb",
      "@value": "My Favourite Movie"
      "@language": "es-mx",
      "@value": "mi película favorita"
  "description": [
      "@language": "en-us",
      "@value": "Jenny meets Paul."
      "@language": "en-gb",
      "@value": "Jenny meets Paul."
      "@language": "es-mx",
      "@value": "Jenny conoce a paul."
  "potentialAction": [
      "@type": "WatchAction",
      "target": {
        "@type": "EntryPoint",
        "urlTemplate": "",
        "actionPlatform": [
      "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
        "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
        "category": "subscription",
        "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
        "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
        "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
        "eligibleRegion": [
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "US"
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "GB"
            "@type": "Country",
            "name": "MX"
      "additionalProperty": [
          "@type": "PropertyValue",
          "name": "contentLanguage",
          "value": [
  // Other properties...

Udostępnianie informacji o zwiastunie za pomocą elementu Film

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie",
      "description":"In a world where dreamers continue to dream...",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "requiresSubscription": {
         "@type": "MediaSubscription",
         "name": "Example Package",
         "commonTier": true,
         "@id": ""
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"

przedstawiać pakiet subskrypcji z różnymi poziomami w Twoim katalogu;


Element Film, który jest dostępny w ramach subskrypcji „Premium Package” i „Basic Package”. Rozszerz ten przykład, aby uwzględnić oferty subskrypcji obejmujące wiele pakietów lub poziomów lub obsługujące dodatki.

  "@context": [
      "@language": "en"
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": [
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Basic Package",
          "@id": "",
          "commonTier": true
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Premium Package",
          "@id": "",
          "commonTier": false,
          "identifier": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
  "sameAs": "",
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2008-01-20",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "description": "This is my favorite movie.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "IMDB_ID",
      "value": "tt0123456"


Jednostka TVSeries, która jest dostępna tylko w ramach „Pakiet Premium” abonamentu.

  "@context": [
      "@language": "en"
  "@type": "TVSeries",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite TV Show",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2017-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2018-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "name": "Premium Package",
        "@id": "",
        "identifier": "",
        "commonTier": false
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
  "sameAs": "",
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2008-01-20",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "description": "This is my favorite TV show.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""

Przesyłanie różnych typów zdarzeń opublikowanych – zdarzeń publikacji, zdarzeń wyróżnionych i zdarzeń ekskluzywnych.

Reprezentowanie treści original but not exclusive

Dostawca kanału udostępnia film na całym świecie w kwietniu 2020 r. Film został pierwotnie wydany w Stanach Zjednoczonych 1 października 2018 r.

  "@context": [ "", { "@language": "en" } ],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "releasedEvent": [
      "@type": "FeaturedEvent",
      "location": "EARTH",
      "startDate": "2020-04-01",
      "endDate":   "2020-04-30",
      "publishedBy": {
        "@type": "Organization",
        "@id": "",
        "sameAs": "",
        "name": "ABC Media"
     "@type": "PublicationEvent",
     "location": {
       "@type": "Country",
       "name": "US"
     "startDate": "2018-10-01T20:00",
     "publishedBy": {
       "@type": "Organization",
       "@id": "",
       "sameAs": "",
       "name": "ABC Media"

Reprezentowanie treści exclusive but not original

Dostawca, który dostarcza plik danych, ma wyłączne prawa do filmu na całym świecie od września 2019 r. do września 2030 r.

"@context": [ "", { "@language": "en" } ],
"@type": "Movie",
"@id": "",
"url": "",
"releasedEvent": [ {
  "@type": "ExclusiveEvent",
  "location": "EARTH",
  "startDate": "2019-09-01T00:00",
  "endDate": "2030-09-27T00:00",
  "publishedBy": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "sameAs": "",
    "name": "ABC Media"
  }, {
  "@type": "PublicationEvent",
  "location": "EARTH",
  "startDate": "2018-10-01T20:00",
  "publishedBy": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "sameAs": "",
    "name": "ABC Media"

Reprezentowanie treści exclusive and original

Dostawca, który dostarcza plik danych, ma wyłączne prawa do treści na całym świecie od września 2019 r. do września 2030 r. Podmiot ten jest dostępny w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Kanadzie w kwietniu 2020 r.

Uwaga: oznaczenie serialu jako ekskluzywnego lub oryginalnego oznacza, że wszystkie jego odcinki są tak oznaczone.

"@context": [ "", { "@language": "en" } ],
"@type": "TVSeries",
"@id": "",
"url": "",
"releasedEvent": [ {
  "@type": "FeaturedEvent",
  "location": [
        "@type": "Country",
        "name": "US"
        "@type": "Country",
        "name": "CA"
  "startDate": "2020-04-01",
  "endDate":   "2020-04-30",
  "publishedBy": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "sameAs": "",
    "name": "ABC Media"
 }, {
  "@type": "ExclusiveEvent",
  "location": "EARTH",
  "startDate": "2019-09-01T00:00",
  "endDate": "2030-09-27T00:00",
  "publishedBy": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "sameAs": "",
    "name": "ABC Media"
  }, {
  "@type": "PublicationEvent",
  "location": "EARTH",
  "startDate": "2018-10-01T20:00",
  "publishedBy": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "sameAs": "",
    "name": "ABC Media"

Przykład identyfikatora/EIDR

Główny film

Film z wersją rozszerzoną. Zwróć uwagę, że ten element ma identyfikator titleEIDR oprócz identyfikatora IMDB_ID.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": {
          "@type": "MediaSubscription",
          "name": "Example Package",
          "commonTier": true,
          "@id": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "CA"
  "sameAs": "",
  "contentRating": "RATING NOT KNOWN",
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2008-01-20",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "popularityScore": {
    "@type": "PopularityScoreSpecification",
    "value": 78,
    "eligibleRegion": [
        "@type": "Country",
        "name": "US"
        "@type": "Country",
        "name": "CA"
  "description": "This is my favorite movie.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
  "titleEIDR" : "10.5240/7EC7-228A-510A-053E-CBB8-J",
  "identifier": [
      "@type": "PropertyValue",
      "propertyID": "IMDB_ID",
      "value":  "tt0123456"
  "workExample": {
      "@type": "Movie",
      "@id": "",
      "name": "My Favorite Movie Extended Cut"
      "category": "Extended Cut"

Wersja rozszerzona

Rozszerzona wersja filmu głównego. Zwróć uwagę, że ten element wariantu ma zarówno identyfikator titleEIDR, jak i identyfikator editEIDR.

  "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}],
  "@type": "Movie",
  "@id": "",
  "url": "",
  "name": "My Favorite Movie Extended Cut",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "WatchAction",
    "target": {
      "@type": "EntryPoint",
      "urlTemplate": "",
      "inLanguage": "en",
      "actionPlatform": [
    "actionAccessibilityRequirement": {
      "@type": "ActionAccessSpecification",
      "category": "subscription",
      "availabilityStarts": "2018-07-21T10:35:29Z",
      "availabilityEnds": "2019-10-21T10:35:29Z",
      "requiresSubscription": {
        "@type": "MediaSubscription",
        "name": "Example Package",
        "commonTier": true,
        "@id": "",
        "identifier": ""
      "eligibleRegion": [
          "@type": "Country",
          "name": "US"
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  "sameAs": "",
  "contentRating": {
        "@type": "Rating",
        "author": "MPAA",
        "ratingValue": "R",
        "advisoryCode": "FV"
  "releasedEvent": {
    "@type": "PublicationEvent",
    "startDate": "2008-01-20",
    "location": {
      "@type": "Country",
      "name": "US"
  "description": "This is the extended cut of my favorite movie.",
  "actor": [
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "sameAs": ""
 "titleEIDR" : "10.5240/7EC7-228A-510A-053E-CBB8-J",
 "editEIDR" : "10.5240/1F2A-E1C5-680A-14C6-E76B-I",
 "exampleOfWork": {
  "@id": "",
 "category": "Extended Cut"