Tag Manager for web pages

With a Tag Manager web container, you can manage your Google tag, your Google service tags, and third party tags in one place. If you are not sure which tagging option you need, read Tag Manager and the Google tag.

Get started

Choose an option to get started.
New users
This document explains how to install Tag Manager for the first time.
Tag manager users
If you already use Tag Manager, you just need to set up a web container to start managing all of your tags in one place.
gtag.js users
Tag Manager allows you to manage third party tags in the same place as your Google tags. It's also a great option when you work with stakeholders that aren't familiar with a web development environment.

Set up the Google tag

The Google tag is the basis for all your measurement use-cases. The Google tag lets you:

  • Use a single Google tag across your entire website instead of managing multiple tags for different Google product accounts.
  • Automatically measure page views, clicks, scrolls, and more in Google Analytics.
  • Automatically measure conversions and campaign performance in Google Ads.
  • Configure Google tag settings from within your Google products (e.g. Google Ads, Google Analytics, Tag Manager), minimizing the need to make code changes to your site.

Next steps

Once your set up your web container, you are ready to set up more tags or enhance your tagging experience.
Tag Manager allows you to manage a variety of tags for Google services and third parties. The template gallery features tags from other users. If no existing tag fits your needs, you can always create a custom tag.
A data layer allows you to store and access data that your tags can use. Use a data layer in elaborate tagging scenarios.
Server-side tagging is the key to migrate away from third-party cookies. A tagging server lets you create, write, and store cookies on your own server. Bonus: You'll improve your website performance!
First-party mode lets you to deploy your Google tag using your own first-party infrastructure, hosted on your website's domain.