We require that the content policies on this page apply to any stories that are presented in the following formats:
Sexually explicit or suggestive content
We don't allow content that features explicit sexual descriptions primarily intended to cause sexual arousal. We also don't allow content that's sexually suggestive in nature, which includes descriptions of sexual acts, sex toys, and body parts in contexts that aren't educational, documentary, scientific, or factual.
Graphic and violent content
We don't allow content that incites or glorifies violence. We also don't allow extremely graphic or violent content for the sake of offending others.
Hateful content
We don't allow content that promotes violence or harassment against an individual or group based on ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Dangerous and illegal activities
We don't allow content that promotes or facilitates dangerous activities and illegal activities. This includes self-harm, such as self-mutilation, eating disorders, or drug abuse. We also don't allow content that's used to threaten or organize violence, or support violent organizations.
There are cases where vulgarities have journalistic value and shouldn't be censored, such as quotes from public officials and other newsworthy figures. However, the casual use of vulgarities by people in the news should be bleeped.
Sponsored content
We don't allow content that conceals or misrepresents sponsored content as independent, editorial content. Sponsorship, which includes but isn't limited to ownership or affiliate interest, payment, or material support, needs to be clearly disclosed to readers. The subject of sponsored content must not focus on the sponsor without clear disclosure.
Deceptive practices
We don't allow sources that impersonate any person or organization, and content that misrepresents or conceals their ownership or primary purpose. We don't allow sources that engage in inauthentic or coordinated behavior to mislead users. This includes, but isn't limited to, sources that misrepresent or conceal their country of origin. This also includes sources that work together in ways that conceal or misrepresent information about their relationships or editorial independence.