النشاط | اليوم الأول | اليوم الثاني |
فطور | 8:00 - 10:00 | 8:00 - 10:00 |
تسجيل | 8:00 - 10:00 | 8:00 - 10:00 |
الجلسات |
11:10 - 13:00 13:15 - 18:15 |
11:00 - 13:00 13:15 - 18:30 |
الغداء | 12:30 - 13:45 | 12:30 - 13:45 |
ساعات العمل | 11:00 - 18:00 | 11:00 - 18:30 |
تدريب |
11:10 - 12:40 13:15 - 18:15 |
11:00 - 12:30 13:10 - 17:50 |
وضع الحماية | 11:00 - 18:00 | 11:00 - 18:30 |
دروس تطبيقية حول الترميز | 11:00 - 18:00 | 11:00 - 18:30 |
استراحة بعد الظهر | 6:00 مساءً - 5:00 بعد الظهر | 6:00 مساءً - 4:30 بعد الظهر |
بث مباشر حصري | 18:30 - 22:00 |
[[["يسهُل فهم المحتوى.","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["ساعَدني المحتوى في حلّ مشكلتي.","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["غير ذلك","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["لا يحتوي على المعلومات التي أحتاج إليها.","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["الخطوات معقدة للغاية / كثيرة جدًا.","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["المحتوى قديم.","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["ثمة مشكلة في الترجمة.","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["مشكلة في العيّنات / التعليمات البرمجية","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["غير ذلك","otherDown","thumb-down"]],[],[[["The event spans two days, with breakfast and registration open from 8:00 to 10:00 each morning."],["Sessions, training, sandbox access, and codelabs are core activities scheduled throughout both days, with varying times."],["Lunch is provided from 12:30 to 13:45, and there's an afternoon break on both days (Day 1: 16:00-17:00, Day 2: 16:00-16:30)."],["Office hours are available for assistance from 11:00 to 18:00 on Day 1 and until 18:30 on Day 2."],["An after-party is scheduled for the evening of Day 1, from 18:30 to 22:00."]]],[]]