Metrics and Dimensions

This page provides tables that list and describe the available dimensions and metrics.


Note: CODE and ID are used programmatically while NAME is displayed to an end user and can be localised.

Dimension Description
AD_CLIENT_ID The ID of an ad client.
AD_FORMAT_CODE - Deprecated The code of an ad format. Examples: text, image, or html.
AD_FORMAT_NAME - Deprecated The name of an ad format. Examples: Text, Image, or Rich Media. The latter value is for the html format.
AD_UNIT_CODE The code of an ad unit. This value is not necessarily unique across ad clients. Example: 837572. Available for publisher-side reports only.
AD_UNIT_ID The unique ID of an ad unit. Example: ca-pub-088712:837572. Available for publisher-side reports only.
AD_UNIT_NAME The name of an ad unit. Available for publisher-side reports only.
AD_UNIT_SIZE_CODE The size code of an ad unit. Examples: 720x42, mobile_single. Available for publisher-side reports only.
AD_UNIT_SIZE_NAME The size name of an ad unit. Examples: 720x42, Single (Mobile). Available for publisher-side reports only.
BID_TYPE_CODE The type of a bid. Examples: cpc, cpm
BID_TYPE_NAME A bid type name. Examples are: CPC bids, CPM bids
CUSTOM_CHANNEL_CODE The code of a custom channel. Available for publisher-side reports only.
CUSTOM_CHANNEL_ID The ID of a custom channel. Available for publisher-side reports only.
CUSTOM_CHANNEL_NAME The name of a custom channel. Available for publisher-side reports only.
DATE A date in YYYYMMDD format.
HOSTED_AD_CLIENT_ID The ID of the publisher's ad client.
MONTH A month in YYYYMM format.
PRODUCT_CODE The code of a product. Examples: AFC, AFS.
PRODUCT_NAME The name of a product. Examples: AdSense for Content, AdSense for Search
REQUESTED_AD_TYPE_CODE The code of the type of the requested ad. Examples: IMAGE, RADLINK, or OTHER.
REQUESTED_AD_TYPE_NAME The name of the type of the requested ad. Examples: Display, Link unit, or Other.
SERVED_AD_TYPE_CODE The code of the type of the served ad. Examples: IMAGE, RADLINK, or OTHER.
SERVED_AD_TYPE_NAME The name of the type of the served ad. Examples: Display, Link unit, or Other.
TARGETING_TYPE_CODE A targeting type code. Examples: Keyword, WebSite, Publisher.
TARGETING_TYPE_NAME A targeting type name. Examples: Contextual, Reservation, Publisher
URL_CHANNEL_ID The ID of a URL channel. Available for publisher-side reports only.
URL_CHANNEL_NAME The name of a URL channel. Available for publisher-side reports only.
WEEK The date of the first day of a week in YYYYMMDD format.


Note: units are returned as strings.

Metric Description Units
AD_REQUESTS The number of ad units that requested ads (for content ads) or search queries (for search ads). An ad request may result in zero, one, or multiple individual ad impressions depending on the size of the ad unit and whether any ads were available. Integer
AD_REQUESTS_COVERAGE The ratio of requested ad units or queries to the number returned to the site. Decimal 0-1
AD_REQUESTS_CTR The ratio of ad requests that resulted in a click. Decimal 0-1
AD_REQUESTS_RPM The revenue per thousand ad requests. This is calculated by dividing estimated revenue by the number of ad requests multiplied by 1000. Decimal
CLICKS The number of times a user clicked on a standard content ad. Decimal
COST_PER_CLICK The amount you earn each time a user clicks on your ad. CPC is calculated by dividing the estimated revenue by the number of clicks received. Decimal. See headers in the response for the currency.
EARNINGS The estimated earnings of the publisher. Note that earnings up to yesterday are accurate, more recent earnings are estimated due to the possibility of spam, or exchange rate fluctuations. Decimal. See headers in the response for the currency.
IMPRESSIONS An impression is counted for each ad request where at least one ad has been downloaded to the user’s device and has begun to load. It is the number of ad units (for content ads) or search queries (for search ads) that showed ads. Integer
IMPRESSIONS_CTR The ratio of IMPRESSIONS that resulted in a click. Integer
IMPRESSIONS_RPM The revenue per thousand IMPRESSIONS. This is calculated by dividing your estimated revenue by the number of matched queries multiplied by 1000. Integer
INDIVIDUAL_AD_IMPRESSIONS The number of times an individual ad is displayed on your website. Different ad formats will display varying numbers of ads. For example, a vertical banner may consist of 2 or more ads. Also, the number of ads in an ad unit may vary depending on whether the ad unit is displaying standard text ads, expanded text ads or image ads. Integer
INDIVIDUAL_AD_IMPRESSIONS_CTR The ratio of individual ad impressions that resulted in a click. Decimal 0-1
INDIVIDUAL_AD_IMPRESSIONS_RPM The revenue per thousand individual ad impressions. This is calculated by dividing estimated revenue by the number of individual ad impressions multiplied by 1000. Decimal
PAGE_VIEWS The number of page views. Integer
PAGE_VIEWS_CTR The ratio of individual page views that resulted in a click. Decimal 0-1
PAGE_VIEWS_RPM The revenue per thousand page views. This is calculated by dividing your estimated revenue by the number of page views multiplied by 1000. Decimal
TOTAL_EARNINGS The estimated earnings made by both the publisher and the host. Decimal. See headers in the response for the currency.