Aşağıdaki örnek, Araç Konumu feed'inin ASCII gösterimidir.
Araç konumu feed'inin nasıl oluşturulacağı hakkında daha fazla bilgi için VehiclePosition
ile anlık seyahat bilgileri sağlama başlıklı makaleyi inceleyin.
# header information
header {
# version of speed specification. Currently "2.0"
gtfs_realtime_version: "2.0"
# DIFFERENTIAL is unsupported. use FULL_DATASET only
incrementality: FULL_DATASET
# the moment when this dataset was generated on the server
timestamp: 1656230726
# a definition (or update) of an entity in the transit feed
# multiple entities can be included in the feed
# be sure to provide information about EVERY active trip
entity {
# unique identifier for the entity within the feed update message
id: "1"
# "type" of the entity
vehicle {
# a descriptor that identifies an instance of a GTFS trip
# defines the identifier of a trip in reference to the trips.txt file
# it is recommended to provide trip_id, which should be one of the following
# (1) a trip defined in the static feed
# (2) a duplicate trip with schedule_relationship ADDED and new start time
# (3) a frequency based trip with a clearly defined start time
trip {
# the trip_id from the GTFS feed that this trip refers to
trip_id: "trip1"
# the start time of this trip instance as specified from the GTFS feed
start_time: "14:05:00"
# the start date of this trip instance
# the trip should be active at this start date
start_date: "20220628"
# The relation between this trip and the static schedule
schedule_relationship: SCHEDULED
# the route_id from the GTFS feed that this trip belongs to
route_id: "ROUTE1"
# the direction_id from the GTFS feed that this trip refers to
direction_id: 0
# realtime positioning information for a given vehicle
position {
# Degrees North, in the WGS84 coordinate system
# update latitude with the actual value
latitude: 123.45
# Degrees East, in the WGS84 coordinate system
# update longitude with the actual value
longitude: 12.345
# moment at which the vehicle's position was measured in seconds after epoch
timestamp: 1656390815
vehicle {
# a unique identifier for the vehicle serving this particular trip
# the vehicle id must be provided
id: "vehicle1"
# the degree of passenger occupancy for the vehicle
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
entity {
id: "2"
vehicle {
trip {
# the trip_id from the GTFS feed that this added trip is duplicated after
trip_id: "trip2"
# the start time of the new added trip instance
start_time: "14:05:00"
start_date: "20220628"
# use “ADDED” to specify an extra trip that was added in addition to
# a running schedule
schedule_relationship: ADDED
position {
latitude: 123.45
longitude: 123.45
timestamp: 1656390815
vehicle {
id: "vehicle2"
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
# details of the multiple carriages of this given vehicle
# the number of occurrences of the multi_carriage_details field
# represents the number of carriages of the vehicle
# it also includes non boardable carriages,
# like engines, maintenance carriages, etc. as they provide
# valuable information to passengers about where to stand on a platform
multi_carriage_details {
# identification of the carriage, should be unique per vehicle carriage
id: "1234-1"
# user visible label that helps passengers identify the carriage
label: "1"
# the degree of passenger occupancy for this vehicle’s carriage
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
# identifies the order of this carriage
carriage_sequence: 1
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-2"
label: "2"
occupancy_status: STANDING_ROOM_ONLY
carriage_sequence: 2
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-3"
label: "3"
occupancy_status: STANDING_ROOM_ONLY
carriage_sequence: 3
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-4"
label: "4"
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
carriage_sequence: 4
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-5"
label: "5"
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
carriage_sequence: 5
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-6"
label: "6"
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
carriage_sequence: 6
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-7"
label: "7"
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
carriage_sequence: 7
multi_carriage_details {
id: "1234-8"
label: "8"
occupancy_status: MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE
carriage_sequence: 8