Safe Browsing Advisory

Why is Google providing an advisory for this page?

We want our users to feel safe when they search the web, and we're continuously working to identify dangerous pages and to increase protection for our users. Google uses automatic algorithms and user feedback to compile lists of sites that may be dangerous. The three major types of dangerous pages on our lists are social engineering, malware, and unwanted software pages. The lists of potentially dangerous pages are available to developers via the Safe Browsing Service. These lists can't perfectly protect users from every risky site on the web, and there is always a chance that a safe site could be misidentified as risky, but we update the lists regularly to keep them as current as possible.

Social engineering (phishing and deceptive sites)

A social engineering attack takes place when a web user is tricked into doing something dangerous online. Social engineering content can be on a web site or included via a site’s embedded resources, such as images, ads, or other third-party components.

Phishing, a type of social engineering, is an attack in which a page asks you for your personal or financial information under false pretenses. To learn more about phishing, visit

Additional types of deceptive content, such as an ad that falsely claims that device software is out-of-date, might trick users into installing unwanted software.

If you believe we’ve missed a social engineering page, you can report this using Report Phishing Page. If you believe we’ve included a page on our phishing list in error, you can report this using Report Incorrect Phishing Warning.


Malware is a type of software that attempts to steal your personal information or use your computer to do things that you do not intend. Malware pages are web pages containing malicious code that could be downloaded and installed on your computer without your consent. You can learn more about harmful web content including viruses and other malicious software and how to protect your computer at Google Search Central.

Unwanted software

At Google, we believe that if we focus on the user all else will follow. In our Software Principles we provide general recommendations for software that delivers a great user experience. Our Unwanted Software Policy expands upon those general recommendations by providing a list of basic criteria for user-friendly software on the web. Software that violates these principles is potentially harmful to the user experience, and we will take steps to protect users from it.