February, 2023

Developer Spotlight: Ashwini Dhananjeyan, Miro

Ashwini Dhananjeyan is the Engineering Manager of Platform Integrations at Miro. She and her team have built many integrations and in this Developer Spotlight episode she talks about the Google Workspace integrations they successfully launched.

Developer News

Google Workspace Developer Summit

Meet us for the Google Workspace Developer Summit and catch up on the latest updates for the Google Workspace platform. This half-day event is intended for Developers and Technology practitioners who want to learn more about building solutions for Google Workspace.

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Classroom API

We've updated all of our Classroom API guides to include Java examples. Learn how to manage courses, coursework, teachers, students, guardians, topics and grades using the API.

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Follow our new YouTube channel for Google Workspace Developers

The Google Workspace Developers YouTube Channel is where developers of all types can learn about building solutions with Google Workspace. Explore the full range of the Google Workspace Platform from Apps Script to Chat Apps to Workspace APIs and more. Leverage Google Workspace's products such as Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, and many more to customize, integrate, or extend these products with our developer tools.

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Promote your Marketplace apps with badges Google Workspace Marketplace badges allow developers to promote their published Marketplace applications on their own websites. Upon clicking, users are taken directly to the Marketplace application listing, where they can review application details, privacy policy, terms of service, and more. These users are then able to securely install applications directly from the Marketplace.

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Community Spotlight

Programmatically handle long running tasks in Apps Script by @choraria

A typical challenge we face with tasks that take long to execute is that of running into the execution timeout error (that's at 6 minutes — Script runtime — as of 10-Feb-2023) and this article merely elaborates on how to bypass script execution timeout with a detailed example.

Automate sending emails from google sheet using Google Apps Script by @aryanirani123

My university wanted to make announcements regarding college events, marks, student attendance and more, but the process involved a lot of manual work. They had all the emails stored in a Google Sheet and wanted to automate the entire process of sending emails. So I developed a Google Apps Script to automate this process where on the click of a button all the emails are sent to the students without any manual effort. In this blog we will be taking a look at how to automate the bulk emailing process using Google Apps Script.

Solutions Spotlight

Creating a Google Drive report in Google Sheets with Apps Script by @mhawksey

DriveApp makes it easy to iterate across Google Drive folders, but you can hit execution limits when you have large file structures. In this post we explain a method for generating a Google Drive report in Google Sheets using the Drive API. Using this method it is possible to reduce a 4 minute runtime to index 10,000 files and folders to one that can complete in under 40 seconds!

Build an Approval Workflow App using AppSheet

Very often, we find ourselves buried in email trails when it comes to approvals. Fear no more, as AppSheet makes it easy to build Approval applications for desktop and mobile users with no programming experience. And the best part, approvers can take actions right from the convenience of email IDs without having to check out the application.