Use Google Apps Script to pull all Google Shared Drives and permissions into a Google Sheet by @techupover  In this post, use Google Apps Script and the Drive API to pull information about all the Shared Drives in a domain into a Google Sheet. Then use the Drive API again to loop through all the drives and get the top-level permissions.
| Create multiple labels in Gmail with Google Apps Script by @ChanelGreco With this reusable script you can create multiple labels in Gmail whenever you need to do so. All you have to do is create the script as shown in the video and then use it to create multiple Gmail labels in one go.
| How to Build an API Wrapper in Google Apps Script by @wildhogsm Under the hood, Google Apps script makes use of various Google APIs, such as the Google Sheets API or the Google Drive API. In this article, we will examine three different real-world APIs: Trello, ClickSend, and BigQuery.