'멤버십 뉴스레터'라는 텍스트가 있는 하늘색 배너 밝은 파란색 글꼴과 오른쪽에는 종이 비행기 삽화가 있습니다. 또한 배너에는 '가능한 작업에는 제한이 없습니다.'라는 텍스트도 분포 월이 있습니다.

Susan Wojcicki: Women Techmakers의 챔피언

기술 업계의 유명 인사인 수잔 보이치키가 진한 빨간색 블라우스와 목걸이를 착용하고 있는 사진입니다.

Susan Wojcicki, a pioneer in the tech industry and Google's first female CEO, has sadly passed away at the age of 56. Her legacy extends beyond her groundbreaking career achievements to her unwavering commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Wojcicki's advocacy for women in tech was a cornerstone of her leadership. As she once said during a Women Techmakers panel, "Let's try and help other women sponsor someone, say something nice about someone... and I think that's the way we can bring each other up." This sentiment, expressed in 2012 during the inaugural Women Techmakers panel, continues to inspire us today.

To honor her memory, watch this panel discussion featuring Susan Wojcicki, Angela Lai, Gayathri Rajan, Anna Patterson, and Megan Smith.

9월은 여성 기술 전문가 감사의 달입니다.

We're dedicating the entire month of September to showcasing your stories, experiences, and the amazing women who inspire you.

Check out our WTM Appreciation Month Toolkit and see how you can participate and help us create a space where ALL women thrive in tech:

Week 1: Share Your WTM Story

September 1-7th, 2024

Record a short video telling us what being a WTM member or ambassador means to you. Share your journey, your favorite moments, and how WTM has impacted your life.

Week 2: #ThrowbackThursday

September 8-14th, 2024

Take us back to your favorite WTM events! Share photos or videos from past workshops, conferences, or meetups. Tell us what you enjoyed most and why these experiences were meaningful to you.

Week 3: Women Support Women

September 15-21st, 2024

We're constantly inspired by the incredible women in tech around us. This week, choose a fellow woman in tech to hype up and show your support! Share a post or story highlighting their achievements and why they inspire you.

Week 4: Share Your Wisdom

September 22-30th, 2024

Techmakers hold a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience. This week, share your career advice for other women in tech. Offer tips, insights, or words of encouragement to help others navigate their own tech journeys.

Remember to use #WomenTechmakers for a chance to be featured! Don’t forget to tag us @womentechmakers on X, LinkedIn, and Instagram

다음 멤버십 이벤트 참석을 신청하세요.

 로라 하얏트의 코딩 면접을 성공적으로 진행하세요

로라 하얏트의 코딩 면접을 성공적으로 진행하세요

Want to level up your coding interview skills? 🚀 Join us for a free workshop where you'll learn problem-solving techniques, practice with real interview questions, and get tips from Laura Hyatt, Senior Cloud Architect at Google.

📆 September 12th at 10:00 AM (CT)

Google의 최신 소식

Google.org Impact Summit의 알록달록한 로고 Google.org 로고가 중앙에 위치하며 주변에 추상적인 선과 점이 그려져 있습니다. 'Google.org Impact Summit' 텍스트 로고 아래에 표시됩니다.

캘린더 표시하기: Google.org Impact에서 실시간으로 참여하세요 정상

Google.org is thrilled to host our first-ever Impact Summit on September 4th. Join us for a day of thought-provoking discussions with leading figures in social impact as they explore the most exciting uses of technology today.

📆 September 4th, 2024 from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CT)

안에 전구가 있고 오른쪽에는 뇌가 있고 왼쪽에는 톱니바퀴와 돋보기가 있는 열린 노트북이 모두 구름 배경에 있습니다. 인공지능과 머신러닝의 개념을 나타내는 이미지입니다. 노트북은 기술을 상징하고 뇌는 지능을, 장비는 문제 해결과 효율성을 상징하며 전구는 새로운 아이디어와 혁신을 상징합니다.

Google Workspace Dev Summit에 참여하세요.

Google Workspace is home to the apps more than 3 billion users know and love — Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Meet, and more. Join the Google Workspace developer community, in Boston or Berlin, for a day of deep dives into building solutions for Google Workspace. Find out how you can integrate, customize, and extend Google Workspace using tools like AppSheet, Apps Script, or the Workspace APIs.

📍 RSVP: Boston Summit 📆 September 12th, 2024

📍 RSVP: Berlin Summit 📆 September 17th, 2024

이미지에 'Google for Startups' 텍스트가 포함되어 있습니다. 파란색, '여성 창립자'라는 텍스트를 향해 아래쪽을 가리키는 분홍색 화살표 표시됩니다. 전반적인 디자인은 Google에서 지원하는 스타트업 설립자인 여성과의 연계 또는 이성에 초점을 맞추고 있음을 암시합니다.

사용자들의 AI 관련 문제

Join the Google for Startups Women Founders community to learn how AI can enhance your customer experience. Discover how to use AI to better understand your customers and streamline their journey.

📆 September 19th, 2024 at 9:00 AM (PST)

녹색 배경에 추상적인 도형 4개가 가로로 배열되어 있습니다. 도형은 파란색 타원형, 노란색 육각형, 보라색 블롭, 빨간색 다이아몬드입니다.

새로운 Google 실험실 제품의 신뢰할 수 있는 테스터가 되어 보세요.

Ready to shape the future of AI? Google Labs is where cutting-edge AI takes flight!

Explore Google Lpublic projects like generative image & video tools and AI-powered notebooks (https://labs.google, https://notebooklm.google), and join us to help develop the next breakthroughs!

�� Get your hands on confidential projects before anyone else! As a trusted tester, you'll get a chance to:

  • Preview and test cutting-edge AI products before they hit the market

  • Directly influence product development through your valuable feedback

  • Collaborate with our top engineers, product managers, and UX researchers

  • Gain insider knowledge of the latest advancements in Google AI technology

🏆 Our champion testers receive:

  • Exclusive Google Labs swag

  • Recognition on Google's social channels

  • The satisfaction of knowing you've helped shape the future of AI

파란색, 빨간색, 초록색, 노란색으로 된 겹쳐진 화살표 2개가 표시된 Google 개발자 로고 이 로고는 개발과 창작의 개념을 상징합니다.

Google Developers Discord 서버에 가입하세요

Explore our Discord server, meet local developers and enthusiasts and find a new way to connect with fellow women in tech. Leverage this platform to promote or even host your own events and content.

Join us here: Google Developer on Discord

레벨 🆙 새로운 학습 및 교육 리소스

Google Cloud Innovators 프로그램을 홍보하는 배너 바둑판식 패턴이 있는 진한 회색 배경입니다. 전경에는 정육면체, 원통, 화살표 등 다양한 3D 도형이 다양한 색상으로 되어 있습니다. 'Google Cloud Innovators' 텍스트 'AI 기술 레벨업'이라는 문구가 표시됩니다 중앙에 다이아몬드 기호와 함께 새겨져 있습니다.

AI 기술 퀘스트 소개

Level up your AI game with this monthly challenge by the Google Cloud Innovators (GCI) Program. Learn, earn badges, and become a Google Cloud AI expert.

Ready to dive in?

  1. Become a GCI member.

  2. Visit the AI Skills Quest site, register for the quest, and claim the program badge.

  3. Accept the quest and start exploring the exciting world of AI!

골판지 상자에서 머리를 내밀고 있는 고양이의 픽셀 이미지입니다. 상자에는 위쪽 화살표가 있습니다. 배경에는 창문, 화분, 교통콘이 있는 단순하고 다채로운 장면이 있습니다. 바이너리 코드 문자열이 이미지 하단에 표시됩니다.

Purrfect Code에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 🐱‍💻

Are you a coding pro ready for a purr-fect challenge?

Purrfect Code is a desktop-based puzzle game where you'll put your JavaScript skills to the testby guiding a robot to safely move cats.

Can you find the most efficient solution? Let's see how your JavaScript stacks up!

클라우드 스토리지, 알림, 모바일 접근성 등 프로그레시브 웹 앱의 주요 요소를 보여주는 그림

온라인 비즈니스 시작하기

<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder"></ph> 학습 시작

Learn how to build, grow, and manage a successful online business.

중괄호와 괄호로 코드가 표시된 컴퓨터 모니터 모니터 옆에 숫자로 라벨이 붙은 파일이 들어 있는 상자가 있습니다.

Python 개발자를 위한 생성형 AI 마스터

<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder"></ph> 라이브 워크숍

Learn hands-on how to create and deploy generative AI Python applications on September 10th.

대각선으로 배열된 일련의 타원이 분홍색에서 보라색, 파란색으로 바뀝니다. 타원이 약간 겹쳐서 겹쳐진 효과가 만들어집니다.

AI 에이전트로 앱 수준 향상하기

<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder"></ph> 라이브 세션

Gain AI agent expertise and build a simple agent using Vertex AI on September 18th and 19th.

앰배서더 하이라이트

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

WTM 앰배서더 Ahd Karman을 만나보세요 ✨

파란색 히잡을 입고 짙은 파란색 셔츠를 입고 GDSC 로고가 있는 여성의 만화 삽화입니다.

Ahd Karman is a passionate advocate for positive change! Her journey with Google Communities began with the Google Developer Student Club in Sana'a University, leading to her role as a WTM Ambassador. These experiences have shaped her into a skilled educator and leader. Currently, she's a Teacher Assistant at Sana'a University while continuing to inspire others as a WTM Ambassador.

Reflecting on her journey, her advice to other women is to never lose hope, no matter how challenging life may seem. She emphasizes the importance of self-learning and continuous growth in the tech industry.

As a WTM Ambassador, Ahd has significantly impacted her community by overcoming her fear of public speaking and inspiring others to do the same. She loves connecting with ambitious women worldwide and providing them with valuable resources.

Ahd envisions a future where women are empowered to succeed in tech. "Women deserve the best opportunities, yet the only thing that we need is motivation and support. 💪"

앰배서더 코너

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, events, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe!

흰색 텍스트가 있는 파란색 배너 &#39;TEST 2024 FESTIVAL&#39;로 표시된 텍스트 &#39;Making Quality Tech&#39;s Universal Language&#39; 참조). 이미지 중앙에서 바깥쪽으로 뻗어 있는 흰색 선이 있습니다.

테스트 페스티벌의 API 해커톤

Join WTM Ambassador Rasaq Abiola in Lagos, Nigeria for an API Hackathon on September 7th! The theme: "Making Quality Tech's Universal Language." Build cutting-edge APIs, compete for prizes, and gain valuable mentorship from industry experts.

Don't miss this chance to showcase your skills! Learn more: Test 2024 Festival.

흰색 텍스트가 있는 보라색 배너 텍스트는 &#39;MSP Summit&#39;이고 채널 파트너가 제공합니다. 회의 및 &#39;EXPO&#39;에 참여했습니다. &#39;2024년 9월 16~19일 | 조지아 월드 콩그레스 센터, 애틀랜타 &#39;관리형 서비스의 새로운 시대&#39;라고 말할 수 있습니다. 왼쪽 상단에 톱니바퀴가 있고 배경에는 도시 풍경이 있는 흰색 로고가 있습니다.

채널 경력을 쌓으세요.

Empower your career with WTM Ambassador Kathleen Martin! Join her workshop "Elevating Women in Channels" on September 16th - 19th at the MSP Summit, in Atlanta, Georgia (US).Address the current state of women in tech and gain practical tools to craft your path to leadership.

This is your chance to join the next generation of female channel leaders!

&#39;모두를 위한 AI: 인공지능으로 형평성 강화&#39;라는 제목의 이벤트를 광고하는 포스터 포스터에는 파란색 배경에 &#39;Women Techmakers Paris Presents&#39;라는 흰색 헤더가 표시되어 있습니다. 헤더 아래에 일정 제목이 크고 굵은 글자로 표시됩니다. 포스터에는 연설자 Laura Sibony, Kirell Benzi, Veronique Duong, Nina Benoit, Laurent Picard의 이름과 직책도 표시되어 있습니다. 날짜, 시간, 위치를 포함한 일정 세부정보는 포스터 하단에 나열됩니다.

WTM 파리와 함께 모두를 위한 AI

Explore the exciting world of AI beyond software development! Join Women Techmakers Paris Ambassadors at the Google AI Hub on September 18th. Hear inspiring talks from business users and entrepreneurs across various fields. Network with like-minded individuals and discover how AI is revolutionizing industries.

Mark your calendars, grab your friends, and get ready to be empowered!

  • Abidar Bouchra (France): In this article, Abidar explores GCP Datastream, a powerful tool for real-time data integration. She dives into its features, benefits, and use cases, demonstrating how it can revolutionize data strategies for businesses. Read more: Datastream in GCP at Medium

  • Cynthia Kamau (Kenya): Read Cynthia's inspiring journey, from Google events volunteer to GDG Nairobi lead, overseeing a community of over 6,000 developers. Get inspired: LinkedIn Post.

  • Aicha Laafia (France): Forget the rumors! Watch Aicha debunk myths surrounding Java in her 15-minute talk, reigniting your passion for this powerful language. Watch now: Who runs the world? JAVA!

  • Margarita Akterskaia (US): Discover AICraft Careers, an AI platform to navigate career transitions with confidence. Join the journey: http://aicraftcareers.org

나가기 전에 알아 두기...

&#39;인터뷰 워밍업&#39; 텍스트 흰색 배경에 보라색과 파란색 그라데이션이 있습니다.

Google AI로 면접 통과하기

Google's "Interview Warmup" is here to help you ace your next interview! This AI tool simulates real questions based on your field (UX, data, cybersecurity, etc.) and provides valuable feedback on your answers.

How it works:

  1. Answer 5 questions.

  2. Get personalized analysis and recommendations.

  3. Boost your confidence.

It's that simple!

Want more tips? Check out our Interview Prep Tech Dev Guide for videos and real interview questions.: Interview Prep Tech Dev Guide

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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