Jasnoniebieski baner z błękitną czcionką i tekstem „Newsletter dla subskrybentów” oraz ilustracją z papierowego samolotu po prawej stronie. Na banerze jest również tekst „Nie ma ograniczeń co do tego, co można zrobić” oraz miesiąc dystrybucji.

Ostatnie dni: zostań ambasadorem WTM!

Baner z informacją o przyjęciach do programu dla ambasadorów Women Techmakers. Na banerze znajduje się ilustrowany laptop na jasnoniebieskim tle po prawej stronie oraz tekst „Zgłoszenia przyjmowane są do 30 czerwca. Wyślij wniosek” po prawej stronie.

Nie przegap okazji! Zgłoszenia można przesyłać do 30 czerwca.

Become a WTM Ambassador and empower the next generation of tech leaders! Join a vibrant network of inspiring women, gain access to exclusive resources, and participate in impactful events that make a difference.

Is this YOU?

  • Passionate about technology and have a track record of leadership, especially in event planning? (This is a MUST!)

  • Possess a strong technical background that aligns with Google's mission?

  • Champion gender equality in the tech industry?

Powrót serii Women Techmakers w 60 sekund

Janine Lee w brązowej bluzce uśmiecha się do widza. Przed nimi znajduje się jasnozielone pole z tekstem „Metodologia Sigma”.

Poznaj metodologię Six Sigma w 60 sekund.

Feeling overwhelmed by a tricky user problem? Lean Six Sigma can be your secret weapon! This powerful approach combines tools and a problem-solving mindset to help you save costs, boost efficiency and unleash a wave of improvements!

Hear from Dr. Janine Lee, MBA, Ed.D., Global Head of Learning and Development at Google and explore more in our WTM in 60 seconds series!

Wyraź swoje uznanie dla WTM!

Ilustracja przedstawiająca białą koszulę z logo WTM

Zamów gadżety WTM

Shop our store and make a difference! Every purchase contributes to our mission of fostering a thriving community of women in the tech industry.

🇺🇸 For US orders, click here.

🌎 For international orders, click here.

Znajdź swoją ekipę na Slacku.

Znajdź swoją ekipę na Slacku.

Join our dedicated channels for Early-career members (0-5 years), Mid-level career members (6-10 years), and Established career members (11+ years)!

Want to connect, share knowledge, and level up your career? Pick the channel that resonates most with you and get started!

Potwierdź swój udział w następnym wydarzeniu dla wspierających.

Baner promujący nasze warsztaty z występów publicznych zatytułowany „Poznaj swój głos”. Data i godzina wydarzenia są wyświetlane po lewej stronie. Zdjęcie przedstawiające prelegentkę z tytułem znajduje się w jasnoniebieskim polu po prawej stronie.

Naucz się mówić: dołącz do naszych warsztatów tylko dla wspierających.

Do you dream of captivating audiences with your ideas? Join us on July 11th for our exclusive "Master Your Voice: Public Speaking Workshop," featuring Erica Stanley, Engineering Leader & Diversity Advocate!

This workshop equips you with the tools to create compelling content and deliver it with confidence, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Women Techmakers Mid-Year Check-In!

Last chance to share your valuable feedback! Complete our 5-minute survey by June 30th to help us improve the Women Techmakers program 👇

Co się dzieje w Google

Wygraj spersonalizowanego elektrycznego DeLoreana! Ilustracja samochodu DeLorean z 1981 r. (czarne tło).

Weź udział w konkursie dla deweloperów interfejsu Gemini API ✨🪩

Change the world (or win a time machine!) by building groundbreaking apps with the Gemini API! This competition seeks outstanding, innovative apps that leverage the power of Gemini to tackle important issues, boast user-friendly designs, and deliver an amazing experience!

See details and get started! Submissions end on August 12th.

Logo Google Ai Studio

Tworzenie z użyciem modeli Gemini 1.5

Gemini 1.5 Pro and Flash are now live with bigger memory banks and the option to pay-as-you-go for increased processing power. Plus, the Gemini API offers developer-friendly features like JSON support and function calls to streamline your workflow. Get started on Google AI Studio today!

2 kobiety śmieją się podczas nieformalnego spotkania

Przewodnik Google for Startups: People-Centered AI

Join Google for Startups for "People-Centered AI Guide," a free webinar led by Mahima Pushkarna, a design lead at the People + AI Research Initiative at Google Research and designed to equip you to develop innovative AI that benefits both your bottom line and society.

🗓️ July 25th 🕒 10:00 AM (CST)

Jasnoszary baner z pikselowym tekstem „Zdobądź flagę” i małą zieloną flagą.

Sprawdź swoje umiejętności hakerskie!

Join the Google Capture The Flag competition! Not your typical capture the flag! This is a cybersecurity competition with challenges for all skill levels.

Solve puzzles in cryptography, web tech & more and earn points and win prizes (over $45,000 awarded!)

Innowatorzy Google Cloud: biały baner z kolorowymi ikonami po bokach kodu

Innowacje z Google Cloud: dołącz do społeczności

Join Google Cloud Innovators, a global network of developers, technologists, and entrepreneurs worldwide who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with Google Cloud.

As an Innovator, you can access exclusive benefits to fuel your success:

  • Monthly learning credits on Google Cloud Skills Boost

  • Verified status in the Google Cloud Community

  • Opportunity to explore new Google Cloud tech first

  • Learn in live discussions with Googlers and experts

  • Get the latest Google Cloud news delivered to you

  • Showcase your Innovator badge & video background, and more!

Doodlowa żarówka z pomysłem (żółte tło)

Medytacja na żywo dla deweloperów na Discordzie

Discover simple meditation techniques designed to enhance your focus, problem-solving skills, and overall coding efficiency. Boost your productivity and well-being with these easy-to-follow practices tailored for the developer's mind.

Join our Discord server: discord.gg/google-dev-community and attend the upcoming Medidation session on 🗓️ July 1, 2024!

Poziom 🆙 Nowe narzędzia i zasoby

Jasnoniebieski baner z napisami „Google Developer Program” i ilustracjami.

Przedstawiamy nowe możliwości w programie Google Developer Program

We're launching the Google Developer Program to supercharge your skills and projects. You'll get access to awesome tools, including technical support from Gemini, and explore thriving Google-backed developer communities.

Women Techmakers members, you're already in! Just update your profile's interests to maximize your program benefits.

Anyone, anywhere can be part of this. Spread the word!

Zielone kółko z logo Google Play i ikoną gwiazdki.

Rozwijanie firmy z Google Play

Rozpocznij naukę

Grow your app with ease. Google Play simplifies reaching the right audience, optimizing pricing, and navigating global markets.

 Ilustracja: osoba aktualizująca CV na komputerze.

Dowiedz się, jak napisać świetne CV

Rozpocznij naukę

New to the workforce? Craft a standout resume showcasing your skills and accomplishments with a Google Docs template.

Kolorowa ilustracja z formularzem HTML

Formularze HTML

Rozpocznij naukę

This course breaks HTML down step-by-step! Learn how to build basic forms, incorporate different elements, style them, and ensure accessibility and security.

Mężczyzna z uśmiechem patrzy na laptopa podczas szkolenia Google

Bezpłatne szkolenia w zakresie AI z dowolnym certyfikatem kariery od Google

For a limited time, enroll in any Google Career Certificate (Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing & E-commerce, IT Support, Project Management, or UX Design) by August 5th and score our Google AI Essentials course for FREE!

This is your chance to build in-demand skills and learn how to use AI as a powerful collaboration tool. Don't miss out - terms apply.*

Wspieraj uczniów w klasie i poza nią dzięki praktycznym szkoleniom dla nauczycieli

Niezbędne materiały edukacyjne: pierwsze kroki

Educating tomorrow's leaders takes teamwork! Teachers, administrators, families, and guardians are all crucial for student success, but often lack the resources they need.

That's why we're launching Education Navigator, a one-stop shop for free resources on Google for Education tools like Chromebooks, Classroom, and Workspace!

Atrakcje ambasadorów

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Poznaj ambasadorkę WTM ElsaMarie✨

ElsaMarie w niebieskiej sukience i okularach przemawia na podium.

After a distinguished 20-year career in aviation, ElsaMarie D'Silva shifted gears to tackle a critical issue – sexual violence. She's the founder of Safecity, a global platform crowdsourcing experiences of abuse, and co-founded organizations like Red Dot Foundation and Brave Movement to empower survivors and prevent future harm.

Her dedication has garnered recognition from UN entities, governments, and fellowships. She's a vocal advocate, sharing her message through publications and speaking engagements.

Beyond sexual violence prevention, in influence as a WTM Ambassador empowers women in STEM. She spearheads workshops, built a mentoring platform, and authored books showcasing female leaders in these fields. Her passion is igniting the next generation of women in STEM through mentorship and role models.

When asked about advice for women in tech, she emphasizes, "It's not rocket science!" She herself isn't a technologist, yet leads a successful tech non-profit. Her secret? "Surround yourself with a diverse team with complementary skills".

Kącik Ambasadorów

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe

  • Aleshia Howell (US), penned an editorial detailing the obstacles she encounters navigating her city as a blind person. Highlighting the importance of fostering disability-inclusive and accessible spaces, she urges readers to consider her experiences. Read it here.

  • Ranjini K (India) shares insightful shares AI tips on her LinkedIn and blog. What task can AI tackle for you today? Read more.

  • Mary Ojo (Nigeria) is kicking off a series of free design resources she loves. Check them out and follow along!

  • Lazarina Stoy (Bulgaria) created Machine Learning for SEO, a training platform to empower consultants with cutting-edge skills to transform SEO strategies.

Wskazówka przed wyjściem...

Logo Google nad flagą Intersectional Equity Pride

Weź udział w Miesiącu Równości 😂

Celebrate Pride all year round and Expand your horizons with Google Play's inclusive collections! These curated lists showcase a rich tapestry of apps and creators representing diverse voices and backgrounds. Discover year-round favorites that truly connect with you.

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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