GIF illustré avec le logo WTM et le texte "Newsletter pour les membres"

Répondre aux prochains événements WTM

Bannière avec un arrière-plan dégradé bleu et vert. La bannière comporte le titre de l'événement et le nom de l'intervenant.

Académie des ambassadeurs WTM

Technical interviews are a standard part of getting a job in tech. But how do you know when you're ready to ace one? Join us on September 12 for a workshop ideal for those newer to a career in tech to learn what to expect in a technical interview, how to prepare, and how to stay motivated!

Bannière avec un arrière-plan dégradé bleu et vert. La bannière affiche le titre de l'événement et le nom de l'intervenant.

Événement d'adhésion WTM

Join Neha Joshi, Data and Analytics Practice Lead at Google Cloud, on September 13 for an evening of insights and laughs! Hear about Neha's real-life experiences, making smart choices, and using setbacks as learning opportunities. It's going to be an evening of insights, laughs, and maybe a few facepalms.

⏯ Au cas où vous ne l'auriez pas vu :

Bannière avec un arrière-plan dégradé vert et bleu. La bannière comporte le titre de l'événement, son heure et sa date, ainsi que la photo et le titre de Priyas.

Relive the extraordinary conversation we had with Google Machine Learning Products expert, Priya Ponnapalli and learn how to leverage these power of AI and ML technologies for innovation.

Actualités Google

Bannière blanche avec une grille de photos de femmes fondatrices, chacune accompagnée du logo de sa start-up. Les femmes sourient et semblent confiantes. Les logos sont colorés et variés, ce qui reflète la diversité des start-up.

Découvrez la nouvelle cohorte de créatrices d'entreprises pour le programme Google for Startups Accelerator.

From healthcare to retail to HR and recruiting, these startups are all using data-driven insights, and leveraging the power of AI and ML to solve complex challenges in their industries. We can’t wait to work alongside them over the next 10 weeks and help accelerate their growth journey. Learn more about the cohort here

Logo des experts Google Developers

Rejoignez un réseau mondial de plus de 1 000 professionnels.

Google Developers Experts (GDE) is a community of talented professional developers and leaders who are passionate about sharing their knowledge on Google's technology with developer and startup ecosystem.

Image sur fond blanc avec le texte "Fondatrices" en bleu au centre. Une flèche rose pointe vers le texte. Dans l'angle supérieur droit se trouve le logo Google for Startups.

Women Founders: Strategic Storytelling Workshop

Persuasive and convincing storytelling is an essential skill for any entrepreneur. Join the Google for Startups Women Founders on September 14 for a storytelling workshop led by Jeremy Neuner, an expert storyteller who will share his insights on how to craft and deliver persuasive stories.

Cette image montre une bannière avec le texte "IA Fingerspelling Recognition" (Reconnaissance de l'orthographe au doigt par l'IA) sur le côté gauche. Sur la droite, une main effectue des signes en langue des signes américaine (ASL), avec des vecteurs au-dessus simulant la lecture par l'IA.

Google for Startups Accelerator: Cloud Demo Day

Save your seat for the virtual celebration of the accomplishments of the 12 selected startups in our latest cohort. Hear from the founders of these innovative startups as they share their stories and insights on how they are using Google Cloud technology to solve complex challenges.

Une bannière avec le texte "Google Cloud Summer Learning List" (Liste d'apprentissage Google Cloud pour l'été) s'affiche en haut à droite de l'image. Au milieu se trouve une illustration de blocs de construction colorés. À côté des blocs se trouvent des articles de plage, comme un parasol, une chaise et une serviette. En bas de la figure, le texte "Meilleures formations cloud sans frais" s'affiche.

Améliorez vos compétences Google Cloud sans frais avec la liste d'apprentissage estivale !

Our courses feature digital transformation, infrastructure and application modernization, security and ops, and more! Get direct access to Google Cloud in labs for things like an intro to the basics to BigQuery to sustainability.

Sélection de la communauté

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Faites connaissance avec Eliška, ambassadrice WTM

Photo d'Eliška, une femme aux cheveux courts verts et aux lunettes épaisses. Elle porte un micro sur la tête et sourit tout en parlant.

If we could use one work to describe Eliška, our long-time WTM ambassador and GDG lead, and her journey we would say: inspiring. Here are 3 significant moments in Eliška's journey

  • Her first Global WTM summit in the US, almost a decade ago. Eliška was spellbound by the energy and passion radiating from fellow women in tech. For her: "it was more than just an event; it was a life-altering experience that opened my eyes to a community of strong, like-minded individuals." Discovering the WTM community gave her the confidence and helped her to feel like she belonged in the industry.

  • Organizing her local GDG chapter's first WTM event. The high demand for WTM events was both surprising and enlightening: it made her realize that "endorsing and supporting programs like WTM was more than just a noble cause – it was a strategic move" and it can really move the needle for companies that want to attract and retain top female talent.

  • Being a speaker - and becoming a mom! The third standout moment came at a particularly personal juncture in Eliška's life, as she was about to welcome her first child. However, being chosen as a speaker at the European WTM Summit was a reminder that she had a strong community behind her. This experience helped her to see that her contributions could take different forms and still have an impact.

To summarize in her own words: “Women Techmakers has made be not only better technologist but a better human being." Thank you, Eliška! Women Techmakers is a better program because of you

Madonna, une femme noire, adopte une posture de pouvoir et affiche un sourire confiant. Elle porte un chemisier à rayures bleues et blanches.

Madona, ambassadrice de WTM, est la première femme noire à écrire un livre technique sur Android

The book, "Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook: Over 70 recipes to solve Android development issues and create better apps with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose", was recently launched to help people build exceptional Android applications and wearables with concise guided recipes and support the new foldable technology by using the latest Jetpack libraries

Commandez votre marchandise WTM dès aujourd'hui 🏷️

Image d'une casquette blanche avec le logo WTM.

Show your support for Women Techmakers with our new line of merchandise! To order your WTM merchandise, simply click on the link below that corresponds to your location:

🇺🇸 For US orders, click here.

🌎 For international orders, click here.

Rejoignez le serveur de la communauté des développeurs Google sur Discord.

Logo Discord

Connect with fellow developers across our channels, which are dedicated to different technologies, programs, and skills. And join, of course our WTM corner, a private channel for all women in tech!

Want to host your event on the server? Fill out this form.

Conseil avant de nous quitter...

Photo de deux citations de l'Univers. Le premier indique: "Soyez guidé par la joie. C'est tout l'intérêt. - L'Univers. P.S. Vous vous souvenez que, avant le début de cette aventure, vous m'avez demandé de vous rappeler ceci ?" Celle de gauche indique: "En gros, pour obtenir ce que vous voulez, la méthode la plus efficace consiste à faire comme si vous l'aviez déjà. Tout le temps. P.S. Mon Dieu, vous avez beaucoup ri et souri ces derniers temps, n'est-ce pas ?"

Prenez le contrôle des notes de l'univers DEV

Would you like to be reminded of life's magic and your power every day? Subscribe to Notes from the Universe to receive personalized notes tailored to your specific goals and dreams. These notes will not only bring a daily dose of joy, but they can help you stay focused and motivated on your journey.

If you are interested in receiving these daily reminders, simply sign up below. You will not be disappointed!

Email sent (with joy) by Tania Rodriguez

© 2023 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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