GIF illustré avec le logo WTM et le texte "Newsletter pour les membres"

Répondez à l'invitation à notre prochain événement

Image d'une bannière verticale avec un arrière-plan en dégradé. La bannière comporte le titre de l'événement, son heure et sa date, ainsi que la photo et le titre de Kims.

Écoutez Kim partager ses insights sur la réussite de l'ingénierie !

Join us for a personal conversation with Kim Swennen, Senior Software Engineer at Google, as she shares the 6 things she wishes she had known when she first started her career in engineering. Kim will discuss topics such as knowing when to black-box things, the fact that things will break, impostor syndrome, and more.

RSVP today and join us on July 20 at 7 am (PT)!

Achetez de nouveaux articles WTM aux États-Unis !

Image d'un sweat-shirt et d'un sac cabas avec le logo WTM.

We're excited to announce that our new WTM merchandise is now available for pre-order in the US! We will be sharing an international link in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned!

Pre-order your new WTM merchandise today and show your support for the program!

Actualités Google

Image d'une illustration abstraite représentant les composants de la cybersécurité Google. L'illustration comprend des images de validation d'identité, d'alertes de sécurité, de mots de passe et de Wi-Fi.  Le ton de l'illustration est informatif et pédagogique.

Nouveau rapport: Briser les barrières: les filles dans l'informatique

To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day, Google's Education for Social Impact program launched a new report to identify the barriers that prevent girls in Europe from choosing computer science as a school subject or university path.

Read more about this important step towards addressing the gender gap in computer science and encouraging more girls to pursue careers in this field.

Image du logo de l'accélérateur avec le texte "AI first" (IA d'abord).

Google for Startups : l'IA d'abord

Attention founders in Europe or Israel 📣 Applications are open through July 30 for our brand new Accelerator: AI First program!

This 10-week equity-free program is designed to help startups using AI in their core service or product scale their businesses and achieve success.

Image avec le logo Women Founders en haut

Google for Startups: Accelerator

Applications for the 4th North America Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders cohort are now open through July 25!

Learn more and apply for this 10-week digital accelerator program for high potential Seed to Series A tech startups based in the U.S. and Canada.

Image d'une illustration abstraite et colorée représentant une femme debout sur un globe. La femme travaille sur un ordinateur portable et est entourée de différentes formes et couleurs. Le texte "Devenez un leader de votre université" s'affiche au centre de l'image, et le logo Google Developer Student Clubs s'affiche en haut.

Rejoignez l'atelier #IAmRemarkable pour les femmes fondatrices !

On July 20, Google facilitators Heather McCormick and Caitlin Morrisey will host and interactive #IAmRemarkable Workshop to explore the importance of identifying and celebrating your achievements both in the workplace and beyond. We will also challenge the social perception around self-promotion and help you develop a more confident and assertive public persona.

Image d'une illustration abstraite et colorée représentant une femme debout sur un globe. La femme travaille sur un ordinateur portable et est entourée de différentes formes et couleurs. Le texte "Devenez un leader dans votre université" s'affiche au centre de l'image, et le logo des Google Developer Student Clubs s'affiche en haut.

Déployer l'analyse des sentiments avec LLM et LangChain sur la fonction Google Cloud

If you are interested in learning how to use LLMs for sentiment analysis, deploying Python functions on Google Cloud Function, or getting started with LangChain, check out GDG Esther Setiawan's latest video on how LangChain is simplifying the world of machine learning.

"With LangChain, you can easily connect the components needed to use a Large Language Model and build prompt templates that can be processed by the model to determine actions using agents."

⏯ Au cas où vous ne l'auriez pas vu :

Image d'une brochure pour un événement passé intitulé "Le pouvoir de l'IA/du ML: trois femmes qui façonnent l'avenir". Le prospectus présente les photos et les titres des intervenants. Le logo WTM se trouve dans le coin supérieur gauche.

Événement WTM: La puissance de l'IA/du ML: trois femmes qui façonnent l'avenir

Rewatch our fireside chat with Divya, Sharbani, and Jing, 3 amazing women who are breaking barriers and changing the world with AI and ML.In this fireside chat, moderated by Joana Carrasqueira, they shared their personal experiences, insights, and advice on how to succeed in this rapidly growing field, particularly for women.

L'image montre le branding Google I/O, qui est un logo bleu et blanc avec les mots "Google I/O" dans une police sans serif. Le branding est superposé à une photo de plusieurs intervenants, chacun étant identifié par son titre.

Discussion technique Google I/O: défenseurs et experts

Did you miss our Google I/O Tech Chat? Checkout the recording and find out what our speakers were most excited to learn about at Google I/O!

  • Hear their insights on new Flutter features, updates to Google Cloud Platform, and the future of AI and machine learning.

  • Get the inside scoop on the most interesting discussions from the Q&A session.

  • Plus, learn tips for developers who want to stay up-to-date on the latest tech trends.

Sélection de la communauté

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Découvrez Angel, ambassadrice WTM ✨

Photo d'Angel, une femme noire aux longs cheveux noirs tressés, coiffés en chignon. Elle regarde l'objectif avec un sourire chaleureux sur le visage et ses yeux étincelants.

Angel Livas is a tech leader, entrepreneur, award-winning producer, and the mother of two boys. She is also the CEO and founder of the ALIVE Podcast Network app, which she created by using Google suite products to keep an easy flow of communication between hosts and the ALIVE team.

Through her app, she aims to empower Black voices and helping Black people monetize their content, as well as gain that ownership.

As the mother of two boys, she is particularly interested in ensuring that youth understand the power of their voice and the power of their content.

When asked what are the main takeaways she wants her listeners to walk away with after listening to her show, she shared:

"Imposter syndrome and adversities from life are merely obstacles that you have absolute control over. You have the power to shift your mindset to deal with those moments and ordeals in a positive way!"

Read more about her powerful journey here.

Conseil avant de partir...

Illustration abstraite de deux femmes qui discutent. Les femmes sont dessinées à la main et entourées de bulles de conversation dans les couleurs bleu et vert du branding Women Techmakers.

Consulter l'annuaire WTM

The Women Techmakers Directory is a global directory of Women Techmakers Ambassadors, leaders around the world who are passionate about empowering their communities through organizing events, public speaking, creating content, and mentoring.

The Ambassadors listed here are recognized for their tech knowledge, skills, and contribution to the community.

Email sent by Tania Rodriguez

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