Glosarium Privacy Sandbox

Artikel dan dokumentasi Privacy Sandbox mengasumsikan pengetahuan konsep dari privasi, periklanan, dan pengembangan web. Daftar istilah ini menjelaskan istilah-istilah penting.

Lelang iklan (Protected Audience API)

In the Protected Audience API, an ad auction is run by a seller (likely to be an SSP or maybe the publisher itself), in JavaScript code in the browser on the user's device, to sell ad space on a site that displays ads.

Materi iklan, materi iklan

Materi iklan mengacu pada konten iklan yang ditayangkan kepada pengguna. Materi iklan dapat berupa gambar, video, audio, dan format lainnya. Materi iklan berada dalam ruang iklan, dan ditayangkan oleh teknologi iklan dalam item baris.

Ad exchange

Ad Exchange adalah platform untuk mengotomatiskan pembelian dan penjualan inventaris iklan dari beberapa jaringan iklan.

Inventaris iklan, ruang iklan

Ruang inventaris iklan adalah ruang untuk iklan yang tersedia dari situs yang menjual ruang iklan.

Platform iklan (Teknologi iklan)

Platform iklan adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan untuk menayangkan iklan.


Pengiklan adalah perusahaan yang membayar untuk mengiklankan produknya.

Laporan agregat

Aggregatable reports are encrypted reports sent from individual user devices. These reports contain data about cross-site user behavior and conversions. Conversions (sometimes called attribution trigger events) and associated metrics are defined by the advertiser or ad tech. Each report is encrypted to prevent various parties from accessing the underlying data.


Attestation is a mechanism to authenticate software identity, usually with cryptographic hashes or signatures. For the aggregation service proposal, attestation matches the code running in the ad tech-operated aggregation service with the open source code.


Attribution refers to the identification of user actions that contribute to an outcome.

For example, a correlation of ad clicks or views with conversions.

Blink adalah mesin rendering yang digunakan oleh Chrome, yang dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari project Chromium.


A buyer is a party bidding for ad space in an ad auction, likely to be a DSP, or maybe the advertiser itself. Ad space buyers own and manage interest groups.

Publishers make ad inventory available through marketplaces called ad exchanges, and buyers compete in real time through a DSP for the opportunity to place their advertisement.

Learn about ad space buyers in the Protected Audience API.


Chromium adalah project browser web open source. Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, dan browser lain didasarkan pada Chromium.

Konversi klik-tayang (CTC)

Konversi klik-tayang adalah konversi yang diatribusikan ke iklan yang diklik.

Rasio klik-tayang (CTR)

Rasio klik-tayang adalah rasio pengguna yang mengklik iklan setelah melihatnya.

Lihat juga tayangan.


A conversion is the completion of some desired goal following action by a user.

For example, a conversion may occur with the purchase of a product or sign-up for a newsletter after clicking an ad that links to the advertiser's site.

A cookie is a small piece of textual data that websites can store on a user's browser. Cookies can be used by a website to save information associated with a user (or a reference to data stored on the website's backend servers) as the user moves across the web.

For example, an online store can retain shopping cart details even if a user is not logged in, or the site could record the user's browsing activity on their site. See First-party cookie and Third-party cookie.


Koordinator adalah entitas yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan kunci dan akuntansi laporan agregat. Koordinator mengelola daftar hash konfigurasi layanan agregasi yang disetujui dan mengonfigurasi akses ke kunci dekripsi.

Data kasar

Course data refers to limited information provided by Attribution Reporting API event-level reports. This is limited to 3 pieces of conversion data for clicks and 1 piece for views. Specific, granular conversion data (such as specific prices of items and timestamps) are not included.

Platform pengelolaan data (DMP)

A data management platform is software used to collect and manage data relevant for advertisers. These platforms help advertisers and publishers identify audience segments, which can then be used for campaign targeting.

Learn more about DMPs.

Platform sisi permintaan (DSP)

A demand-side platform is an ad tech service used to automate ad purchasing. DSPs are used by advertisers to buy ad impressions across a range of publisher sites.

Privasi diferensial

Differential privacy refers to techniques to allow sharing of information about a dataset to reveal patterns of behaviour without revealing private information about individuals or whether they belong to the dataset.


Domain. Lihat Domain Level Teratas dan eTLD.


Entropy, in the privacy domain, is a measure of how much an item of data reveals individual identity.

Data entropy is measured in bits. The more that data reveals identity, the higher its entropy value.

Data can be combined to identify an individual, but it can be difficult to work out whether new data adds to entropy. For example, knowing a person is from Australia doesn't reduce entropy if you already know the person is from Kangaroo Island.


Di Topics API, epoch adalah periode waktu saat browser menyimpulkan topik untuk pengguna berdasarkan aktivitas penjelajahannya. Saat ini disetel ke satu minggu.

eTLD, eTLD+1

eTLDs are effective top-level domains (TLD), which are defined by the Public Suffix List.

For example:

Effective TLDs are what allow to be a different site from The eTLD in this case is, and the whole site name (, is known as the eTLD+1.

See also Top-Level Domain.

Laporan tingkat peristiwa

Event-level reports associate a particular ad click or view (on the ad side) with data on the conversion side. To preserve user privacy by limiting the joining of user identity across sites, conversion-side data is very limited, and the data is noisy.

Federated Credential Management API (FedCM)

Federated Credential Management API is a proposal for a privacy-preserving approach to federated identity services. This will allow users to log into sites without sharing their personal information with the identity service or the site.

FedCM was previously known as WebID, and is still in development in the W3C.

Identitas gabungan (login gabungan)

Identitas federasi adalah platform pihak ketiga yang memungkinkan pengguna login ke situs, tanpa mengharuskan situs menerapkan layanan identitas mereka sendiri.

Kerangka dengan pagar

A (<fencedframe>) is a proposed HTML element for embedded content, similar to an iframe. Unlike iframes, a fenced frame restricts communication with its embedding context to allow the frame access to cross-site data without sharing it with the embedding context.

Some Privacy Sandbox APIs may require select documents to render within a fenced frame. Learn more about the Fenced Frames proposal.

Pelacakan sidik jari

Fingerprinting encompasses techniques to identify and track the behaviour of individual users.

Fingerprinting uses mechanisms that users aren't aware of and can't control.

Platform pelacakan sidik jari

A fingerprinting surface is something that can be used (probably in combination with other surfaces) to identify a particular user or device.

For example, the navigator.userAgent() JavaScript method and the User-Agent HTTP request header provide access to a fingerprinting surface (the User-Agent string).

Pihak pertama

First party refers to resources from the site you're visiting.

For example, the page you're reading is on the site and includes resources requested from this site. Requests for those first-party resources are called 'first-party requests'. Cookies from stored while you're on this site are called first-party cookies.

See also Third-party.

A first-party cookie is a cookie stored by a website while a user is on the site itself.

For example, an online store might ask a browser to store a cookie in order to retain shopping cart details for a user who is not logged in. See also Third-party cookies.


Intent to Eksperimen (I2E) adalah pengumuman rencana penyediaan fitur Blink baru bagi pengguna untuk pengujian, biasanya melalui uji coba origin.


Eksperimen Intent untuk Memperluas (I2EE) adalah pengumuman rencana untuk memperpanjang durasi uji coba origin.


Intent untuk Membuat Prototipe (I2P) adalah tahap pertama dalam mengembangkan fitur baru di Blink. Pengumuman ini diposting ke milis blink-dev dengan link ke proposal untuk diskusi.


Intent to Ship (I2S) adalah pengumuman rencana untuk menyediakan fitur baru Blink bagi pengguna di Chrome versi stabil.


Impression could refer to either:

  • View of an ad. See also click-through rate.
  • An ad slot: the HTML markup (usually <div> tags) on a web page where an ad can be displayed. Ad slots constitute inventory.

Grup minat

In the Protected Audience API, formerly FLEDGE, an interest group represents a group of people with a common interest, corresponding to a remarketing list.

Every interest group has an owner. Different types of owners will create different types of interest groups with different use cases.


Inventaris adalah slot iklan yang tersedia di situs. Slot iklan adalah markup HTML (biasanya tag <div>) tempat iklan dapat ditampilkan.


K-anonymity is the measure of anonymity within a data set. If you have k anonymity, you can't be distinguished from k-1 other individuals in the data set. In other words, k individuals have the same information (including you).


{i>Nonce<i} adalah nomor arbitrer yang hanya digunakan satu kali dalam komunikasi kriptografi.


Origin ditentukan oleh skema (protokol), nama host (domain), dan port URL yang digunakan untuk mengaksesnya.


Uji coba origin

Origin trials are trials that provide access to a new or experimental feature, to make it possible to build functions that users can try out for a limited time before the feature is made available to everyone.

When Chrome offers an origin trial for a feature, an origin can be registered for the trial to allow the feature for all users on that origin, without requiring users to toggle flags or switch to an alternative build of Chrome (though they may need to upgrade). Origin trials allow developers to build demos and prototypes using new features. The trials help Chrome engineers understand how new features are used, and how they may interact with other web technologies.

Find out more: Getting started with Chrome's origin trials.

Permukaan pasif

Passive surfaces are fingerprinting surfaces—such as User-Agent strings, IP addresses, and Accept-Language headers—that are available to every website, whether the site asks for them or not.

Passive surfaces can easily consume a site's privacy budget.

The Privacy Sandbox initiative proposes replacing passive surfaces with active ways to get specific information, for example using Client Hints a single time to get the user's language rather than having an Accept-Language header for every response to every server.

Protected Audience API

Protected Audience API adalah nama baru untuk FLEDGE API.


Dalam konteks Privacy Sandbox, penayang adalah situs dengan ruang iklan yang dibayar untuk menampilkan iklan.


Jangkauan menunjukkan jumlah total orang yang melihat iklan atau mengunjungi halaman web yang menampilkan iklan tersebut.

Bidding real-time (RTB)

Bidding real-time mengacu pada lelang otomatis untuk membeli dan menjual tayangan iklan di situs, yang diselesaikan saat pemuatan halaman.

Pemasaran Ulang

Remarketing is the practice of advertising to people who've already visited your site on other sites.

For example, an online store could show ads for a toy sale to people who previously viewed toys on their site.

Asal pelaporan

Asal pelaporan adalah entitas yang menerima laporan agregat—dengan kata lain, teknologi iklan yang disebut Attribution Reporting API. Laporan agregat dikirim dari perangkat pengguna ke URL terkenal yang terkait dengan asal pelaporan.

Faktor penskalaan

Scaling factor, in the context of the Attribution Reporting API, refers an amount by which you choose to multiply an aggregatable value. Scaling impacts the effect of noise and your contribution budget.


Penjual adalah pihak yang menjalankan lelang iklan, kemungkinan adalah SSP atau mungkin penayang itu sendiri.


Situs setara dengan eTLD+1 beserta skema (protokol).

Lihat juga Domain Level Teratas.

Partisi penyimpanan

Storage partitioning is a mechanism in Chrome to prevent certain types of side-channel cross-site tracking, Chrome is partitioning storage and communications APIs in third-party contexts.

Storage partitioning prevents a site from joining data across different sites to track the user across the web.

Laporan ringkasan

A summary report is an Attribution Reporting API and Private Aggregation API report type. A summary report includes aggregated user data and can contain detailed conversion data, with noise added. Summary reports are made up of aggregate reports.

Platform sisi suplai, Platform sisi jual

A supply-side platform is an ad tech service used to automate selling ad inventory. SSPs allow publishers to offer their inventory (empty rectangles where ads will go) to multiple ad exchanges, DSPs, and networks. This enables a wide range of potential buyers to bid for ad space.


Permukaan. Lihat Permukaan sidik jari dan Permukaan pasif.

Third party refers to resources served from a domain that's different from the website you're visiting.

For example, a website might use analytics code from (via JavaScript), fonts from (via a link element) and a video from (in an iframe). See also First-party.

A third-party cookie is a cookie stored by a third-party service.

For example, a video website might include a Watch Later button in their embedded player to allow a user to add a video to their wishlist without forcing them to navigate to the video site.

See also First-party cookie.

Domain level teratas (TLD)

Domain level teratas seperti .com dan .org tercantum dalam Database Zona Root.

Lihat juga eTLD, situs.

Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)

A trusted execution environment is a special configuration of computer hardware and software that allows external parties to verify the exact versions of software running on the computer. TEEs allow external parties to verify that the software does exactly what the software manufacturer claims it does—nothing more or less.

To learn more about TEEs used for the Privacy Sandbox proposals, read the Protected Audience API services explainer and the Aggregation Service explainer.

Petunjuk Klien Agen Pengguna (UA-CH)

User-agent client hints provide specific pieces of the User-Agent string on explicit request. This helps reduce passive surfaces in the User-Agent string which may lead to user identification or covert tracking.

UA-CH is sometimes referred to as "Client Hints."

String Agen Pengguna

A user-agent string is an HTTP header used by servers and network peers to request identifying information about an application, operating system, vendor, or version of a user agent. The User-Agent string broadcasts a large string of data, which is problematic for user privacy. User-Agent reduction is proposed to remove sensitive information and reduce passive fingerprinting.

Domain .well-known

.well-known is a file used to add redirects to a website from standardized URLs.

For example, password managers can make it easier for users to update passwords if a website sets a redirect from /.well-known/change-password to the change password page of the site.

In addition, it can be useful to access policy or other information about a host before making a request. For example, robots.txt tells web crawlers which pages to visit and which pages to ignore. IETF RFC8615 outlines a standardized way to make site-wide metadata accessible in standard locations in a /.well-known/ subdirectory.

See a list of recommendations for .well-known at


A worklet allows you to run specific JavaScript functions and return information back to the requester. Within a worklet, you can execute JavaScript but you cannot interact or communicate with the outside page.

Worklets are used to store and extract data with the Shared Storage API.