Özel Korumalı Alan demoları

Demolar ve ortak çalışmalar, Özel Korumalı Alan API'leri konusunda size yol gösterir.

Özel Korumalı Alan API'leriyle ilgili olarak çeşitli demolar mevcuttur. Çoğunu API'lara aşina olmanızı gerektirir. Bu nedenle, belgeleri okumadıysanız listelediğimiz bağlantıları ve demoları inceleyebilirsiniz.

Demolar ve ortak çalışmalar

Protected Audience API

Demo, iki reklamveren sitesindeki reklam ilgi alanı gruplarına katılmak için Protected Audience API'yi kullanır ve ardından bir yayıncı sitesinde gösterilmek üzere reklam seçmek üzere cihaz üzerinde bir açık artırma başlatır.

Topics API

With the Topics API, a user's device observes and records topics that appear to be of interest to the user based on their activity. The API then allows callers (such as ad tech platforms) to access these topics without revealing other information about the user's activity. The following resources provide examples of the API in action.

Resources for Topics on the Web

Resources for Topics on Android

Attribution Reporting

The Attribution Reporting API enables advertisers and ad tech providers to measure conversions for ad clicks and views, ads in a third-party iframe, and ads in a first-party context. In this demo an advertiser uses an ad tech provider to run their ads on a publisher site.


Noise Lab

When aggregatable reports are batched by a collector and processed by the aggregation service, random data is added to the resulting summary reports in order to protect user privacy. Use Noise Lab to experiment with different values to see the impact of noise.

Aggregation Service

The Aggregation Service is responsible for decrypting and combining collected data from aggregatable reports, adds noise, and returns a final summary report. This is all accomplished within a trusted execution environment (TEE).


Paylaşılan Depolama

Shared Storage API, siteler arasında kullanılabilecek bir depolama alanı sunar. Yani bir alanda bir değer depolayabilir, sonra da bu değeri başka bir alandan okuyabilirsiniz. Verileri özgürce ayarlayabilirsiniz, ancak depolama alanını kullanma biçiminiz kısıtlıdır. Bu demoda işleyiş şekli gösterilmektedir.


Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) allows developers to opt a cookie into partitioned storage, with separate cookie jars per top-level site, improving user privacy and security. This demo illustrates how it works.

Related Website Sets is a way for a company to declare relationships among sites, so that browsers allow limited third-party cookie access for specific purposes. Chrome will use these declared relationships to decide when to allow or deny a site access to their cookies when in a third-party context.

Permissions Policy

Permissions Policy allows the developer to control the browser features available to a page, its iframes, and subresources, by declaring a set of policies for the browser to enforce. This demo lets you try out the available policies.

User Agent Reduction

User-Agent reduction minimizes the identifying information shared in the User-Agent string, which may be used for passive fingerprinting. Resource requests have a reduced User-Agent header now and the return values from certain Navigator interfaces are reduced. This demo lets you experiment with the new UA string values.

Private State Token API

With the Private State Token API, a website can issue cryptographic tokens to a user it trusts, which can later be used elsewhere. The tokens are stored securely by the user's browser, and can then be redeemed in other contexts to confirm the user's authenticity. Check out the API in this demo.

Privacy Sandbox Demos Framework

Privacy Sandbox Demos framework offers cookbook recipes, sample code, and demo applications, based on Privacy Sandbox APIs. These are intended to aid businesses and developers in adapting their applications and the businesses they support to a web ecosystem without third-party cookies.

Use case Description APIs
Retargeting / Remarketing How to show relevant ads to a user who has researched a brand or product online. Protected Audience API
Fenced Frame
Single-touch conversion Attribution How to measure conversion after seeing ads on a news site and buying a product on an online shopping site. Attribution Reporting API
Instream VAST video ad in a Protected Audience single-seller auction Provides details on a temporary solution allowing Top Level embedded video players access to the VAST XML URL. Protected Audience API
Instream VAST video ad in a Protected Audience sequential auction setup Shows one of the ways that VAST XMLs can be handled in a Protected Audience sequential auction setup when the ad is rendered in an iframe. Protected Audience API