Attribution Reporting: faça experimentos e participe

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Saiba por que enviamos a API Attribution Reporting.

Teste a API

  1. Confira a demonstração.
  2. Verifique o status da API para saber mais sobre outras formas pode testar a API hoje mesmo.
  3. Teste a API.
  4. Experimente com o resumo .

Receber suporte

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Se você perceber um comportamento inesperado:

Para fazer perguntas mais gerais sobre como abordar seus casos de uso com a API, consulte Discutir as API.

Join the discussion

Everyone is welcome to join the discussion. In particular, if you're experimenting with the API, your feedback is essential.

Discuss the API

Like other Privacy Sandbox APIs, this API is documented and discussed publicly on GitHub. Read about the API.

Get updates

  • To be notified of status changes in the API, join the mailing list for developers.
  • To closely follow all ongoing discussions on the API, click the Watch button on GitHub. This requires you to have or create a GitHub account.
  • To get overall updates on the Privacy Sandbox, subscribe to the RSS feed [Progress in the Privacy Sandbox].