API status and feature releases

Review Chrome platform status, resources, and feature release timelines.

Each of the Privacy Sandbox proposals are in varied stages of the development process. Within each proposal, there are individual features that have different expected availability. This lists the latest feature status availability from Q2 2023. Note: Availability of features prior to Q2 2023 may be removed from the list.

To review the latest information on any proposal or API, visit the respective overview documentation and the Privacy Sandbox timeline.

Aggregation Service

Proposal Status
Aggregation Service support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) across Attribution Reporting API, Private Aggregation API
Aggregation Service support for Google Cloud across Attribution Reporting API, Private Aggregation API
Aggregation Service site enrollment and multi-origin aggregation. Site enrollment includes mapping of a site to cloud accounts (AWS, or GCP). To aggregate multiple origins, they must be of the same site.
FAQs on GitHub
Site aggregation API documentation
The Aggregation Service's epsilon value will be kept as a range of up to 64, to facilitate experimentation and feedback on different parameters.
Submit ARA epsilon feedback.
Submit PAA epsilon feedback.
Available. We will provide advanced notice to the ecosystem before the epsilon range values are updated.
More flexible contribution filtering for Aggregation Service queries
Process for budget recovery post-disasters (errors, misconfigurations, and so on)
Mechanism to review the percentage of shared IDs recovered by an ad tech using budget recovery and suspend future recoveries for excessive recoveries planned for H1 2025
Accenture operating as one of the Coordinators on AWS
Developer Blog
Independent party operating as one of the Coordinators on Google Cloud
Developer blog
Aggregation Service support for Aggregate Debug Reporting on Attribution Reporting API

Attribution Reporting

You can keep track of the API changes.

Proposal Status
Conversion journey: app-to-web
Web explainer and Android explainer
Mailing list announcement
Available in Chrome and Android for origin trial
Conversion journey: cross-device
This proposal has been archived. There are no current plans for implementation.
Preventing invalid aggregatable reports using report verification
This proposal has been archived. We have implemented trigger_context_id for this use case instead.
Default allowlist for the Attribution Reporting API Permissions-Policy will remain *
Mailing list announcement
Available in Chrome in Q1 2023
Configurable event-Level reporting epsilon
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
Padding for aggregatable reports payload
Updated explainer
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
Phase 1 lite flexible event-Level
Flexible event-level configurations explainer
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
The ability to customize the number of attribution reports and the number/length of reporting windows.

Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
The ability to customize the number of bits of trigger data.
Support for Attribution Reporting verbose debugging reports not dependent on third-party cookies
Expected in Chrome in early Q3 2024
Support for Attribution Reporting API and Aggregation Service for Google Cloud
Attribution Reporting API Explainer
Aggregation Service Explainer
Available in Chrome in H2 2023
Flexible contribution filtering
Expected in Chrome in Q3 2024
Pre-attribution filtering: attribution scopes
Expected in Chrome in Q3 2024

Bounce tracking mitigations


Federated Credential Management API (FedCM)

Fenced Frames

Proposal Status
Web API changes for urn to config
Available in Chrome in Q1 2023.
Creative Macros in Fenced Frames for Ads Reporting (FFAR)
GitHub Issue
Available in Chrome in Q3 2023.
Send Automatic Beacons Once
GitHub Issue
Available in Chrome in Q3 2023.
Serializable Fenced Frames Configs
GitHub Issue
Available in Chrome in Q3 2023.
Additional Format Option for Protected Audience Ad Size Macros
GitHub Issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023.
Automatic beacons sending to all registered URLs
GitHub Issue | GitHub Issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023.
Enable Leaving Ad Interest Groups from Urn iFrames and Ad Component Frames
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Introduce reserved.top_navigation_start/commit
GitHub issue, GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Do Not Disable Cookie Setting in ReportEvent until 3PCD
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Add support for automatic beacons in cross-origin subframes
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Allow Cross-Origin Subframes to Send reportEvent() Beacons
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024

IP Protection

Private Aggregation API

  • The Private Aggregation API is now moving to general availability.
  • New function names
    • The contributeToHistogram() function is available in Chrome Canary, Dev, Beta, and Stable M115+
    • The contributeToHistogramOnEvent() function is available in Chrome Canary, Dev, Beta, and Stable M115+
  • Legacy function names
    • The following function names will be deprecated in M115
  • See the Chrome platform status page page to see the API's current stage.
Proposal Status
Prevent invalid Private Aggregation API reports with report verification for Shared Storage
Available in Chrome
Private Aggregation debug mode availability dependent on 3PC eligibility
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome M119
Reducing report delay
Available in Chrome M119
Support for Private Aggregation API and Aggregation Service for Google Cloud
Available in Chrome M121
Padding for aggregatable report payloads
Available in Chrome M119
Private Aggregation debug mode available for auctionReportBuyers reporting
Available in Chrome M123
Filtering ID support
Available in Chrome M128
Client-side contribution merging
Available in Chrome M129

Private State Tokens

Protected Audience

Descendant of TURTLEDOVE. Formerly named FLEDGE. Also refer to Status of pending Protected Audience API capabilities for more information.

To be notified of status changes in the API, join the mailing list for developers.

Proposal Status
Buyer Reporting ID for Custom Breakdowns
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q3 2023
Currency for Highest and bid Highest Other Scoring Bid
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q3 2023
Macro Support for Third-party Ad Trackers (3PAT)
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q3 2023
Support for Negative Interest Group Targeting
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
Secure Propagation of Auction Signals without WebBundles
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
Bulk Interest Group Deletion
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
Increase Interest Group Cap from 1K to 2K
Github Issue
Available in Chrome in Q4 2023
Support for Bidding and Auction Beta 1
Available in Chrome (via Origin Trial) in Q4 2023
Request for Ad Slot size as an additional Buyer Trusted Signal
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
directFromSellerSignals to use LIFO ordering Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Negative Targeting to work with iFrame Loads Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Allow Updating IG userBiddingSignals Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Allow Updating IG executionMode Available in Chrome in Q1 2024
Include Chrome-facilitated Testing Label in Trusted Server Requests
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
Downsampled forDebuggingOnly() labels
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
Prevent Overly Large Trusted Bidding Signal URLs
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
Increase Ad Component Max Count from 20 to 40
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
deprecatedReplaceInURN() for multi-seller auctions
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
Allow generateBid() to return multiple bids
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
Key/Value Service update for interest group
GitHub issue
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
K-anonymity will be enforced on 20% of the unlabeled traffic outside of the Chrome-facilitated testing
Available in Chrome in Q2 2024
Real-Time Monitoring API to get auction data to buyers and sellers as quickly as possible (e.g. < 10 mins) to support monitoring and alerting Available in Chrome in Q3 2024
Deal ID
GitHub issue
Expected in Chrome in Q4 2024

Shared Storage

Proposal Status
Event-level reporting for Content Selection (selectURL()) Available until at least 2026
Per-site budgeting
Available in M119
Allow writing from response headers
GitHub Issue
Available in M124. Can be manually enabled in M119-M123
Private Aggregation contribution timeout
Available in M119
Debugging Shared Storage worklets with DevTools
Available in M120
Update Shared Storage data storage limit to 5MB
Available in M124
createWorklet() to create cross-origin worklets without an iframe Available in M125
Allow cross-origin script in addModule(), and align createWorklet() to match the behavior Available in M130

Storage Access API

Topics API

Feature Status
Improved taxonomy for Topics (latest note) Available in Chrome in M119
Updated top topics selection algorithm Available in Chrome in M120

User-Agent reduction and Client Hints (UA-CH)

Limit passively shared browser data to reduce the volume of sensitive information which leads to fingerprinting.

User-Agent Client Hints API documentation is available on MDN.

Closed proposals


Replaced by the Topics API.

Find out more

Origin trials