Third-party cookies restricted by default for 1% of Chrome users

As per previously announced plans, Chrome is restricting third-party cookies by default for 1% of Chrome users to facilitate testing, and then ramping up to 100% of users from Q3 2024. The ramp up to 100% of users is subject to addressing any remaining competition concerns of the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

As of 4th January 2024, Chrome has started restricting third-party cookies by default for 1% of Chrome browsers. It may take several days to reach the full 1%.

Browsers that are part of the 1% group will also see new Tracking Protection user controls. You can try out these changes in Chrome 121 or higher by enabling chrome://flags/#test-third-party-cookie-phaseout.

We'll keep you posted as we move further along the deprecation timeline. Refer to our updated landing page on preparing for the end of third-party cookies for immediate actions you can take to ensure your sites don't break.

The address bar for Chrome browsers that restrict third-party cookies will show an "eye" icon on a site that attempts to access third-party cookies:

Crossed out eye icon shown in the Chrome address bar.
Sites attempting to use third-party cookies will have an "eye" icon shown in the Chrome address bar

Click the eye icon to see information about Tracking Protection, a new Chrome feature that limits cross-site tracking by restricting website access to third-party cookies by default:

Tracking Protection dialog shown when clicking on the eye icon in the address bar.
Clicking on the "eye" icon will show more information in the Tracking Protection dialog

Click the toggle to temporarily allow third-party cookies for the current site:

Tracking protection dialog with the Third-party Cookies toggle set to Allowed and a notice that this will be allowed for 90 days.
The Tracking Protection dialog can be used to temporarily allow third-party cookies

Chrome DevTools alerts

For browsers not in the 1% group, and without third-party cookies blocked from chrome://settings/cookies, Chrome DevTools displays warnings about cross-site cookie issues:

Chrome DevTools Issues panel warning about 2 third-party cookies that will be blocked in future versions of Chrome.
Prior to third-party cookies being restricted warnings are shown in Chrome DevTools Issues panel

For browsers in the 1% group, DevTools displays errors about reading and setting third-party cookies being blocked:

Chrome DevTools Issues panel warning about 5 third-party cookies that have been blocked for 1 request.
Errors are shown in the Chrome DevTools Issues panel after third-party cookies are restricted.

Settings changes

For browsers in the 1% group, users will get a new chrome://settings/trackingProtection page instead of chrome://settings/cookies:

Tracking Protection settings panel.
The Chrome Tracking Protection settings panel

Get support, and report issues with third-party cookies

We want to learn about scenarios where sites break when third-party cookies are restricted, to ensure that we provide adequate guidance, tooling, and capabilities to allow sites to migrate away from their third-party cookie dependencies.

If your site or a service you depend on is breaking with third-party cookies disabled, you should report this on our breakage tracker at It is also possible to request additional migration time with the third-party cookie deprecation trial for non-advertising use cases which would exclude your embedded site or service from the 1% test.

If you have questions around the deprecation process, you can raise a new issue using the "third-party cookie deprecation" tag on our developer support repository.