
Returns a list of vehicles that match the request options.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Project ID (for example, sample-cloud-project) of the Google Cloud Project of which the service account making this call is a member.

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "header": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "pickupPoint": {
    object (TerminalLocation)
  "dropoffPoint": {
    object (TerminalLocation)
  "pickupRadiusMeters": integer,
  "count": integer,
  "minimumCapacity": integer,
  "tripTypes": [
    enum (TripType)
  "maximumStaleness": string,
  "vehicleTypes": [
      object (VehicleType)
  "requiredAttributes": [
      object (VehicleAttribute)
  "requiredOneOfAttributes": [
      object (VehicleAttributeList)
  "requiredOneOfAttributeSets": [
      object (VehicleAttributeList)
  "orderBy": enum (VehicleMatchOrder),
  "includeBackToBack": boolean,
  "tripId": string,
  "currentTripsPresent": enum (CurrentTripsPresent),
  "filter": string

object (RequestHeader)

The standard Fleet Engine request header.


object (TerminalLocation)

Required. The pickup point to search near.


object (TerminalLocation)

The customer's intended dropoff location. The field is required if tripTypes contains TripType.SHARED.



Required. Defines the vehicle search radius around the pickup point. Only vehicles within the search radius will be returned. Value must be between 400 and 10000 meters (inclusive).



Required. Specifies the maximum number of vehicles to return. The value must be between 1 and 50 (inclusive).



Required. Specifies the number of passengers being considered for a trip. The value must be greater than or equal to one. The driver is not considered in the capacity value.


enum (TripType)

Required. Represents the type of proposed trip. Must include exactly one type. UNKNOWN_TRIP_TYPE is not allowed. Restricts the search to only those vehicles that can support that trip type.


string (Duration format)

Restricts the search to only those vehicles that have sent location updates to Fleet Engine within the specified duration. Stationary vehicles still transmitting their locations are not considered stale. If this field is not set, the server uses five minutes as the default value.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".


object (VehicleType)

Required. Restricts the search to vehicles with one of the specified types. At least one vehicle type must be specified. VehicleTypes with a category of UNKNOWN are not allowed.


object (VehicleAttribute)

Callers can form complex logical operations using any combination of the requiredAttributes, requiredOneOfAttributes, and requiredOneOfAttributeSets fields.

requiredAttributes is a list; requiredOneOfAttributes uses a message which allows a list of lists. In combination, the two fields allow the composition of this expression:

(requiredAttributes[0] AND requiredAttributes[1] AND ...)
(requiredOneOfAttributes[0][0] OR requiredOneOfAttributes[0][1] OR
(requiredOneOfAttributes[1][0] OR requiredOneOfAttributes[1][1] OR

Restricts the search to only those vehicles with the specified attributes. This field is a conjunction/AND operation. A max of 50 requiredAttributes is allowed. This matches the maximum number of attributes allowed on a vehicle.


object (VehicleAttributeList)

Restricts the search to only those vehicles with at least one of the specified attributes in each VehicleAttributeList. Within each list, a vehicle must match at least one of the attributes. This field is an inclusive disjunction/OR operation in each VehicleAttributeList and a conjunction/AND operation across the collection of VehicleAttributeList.


object (VehicleAttributeList)

requiredOneOfAttributeSets provides additional functionality.

Similar to requiredOneOfAttributes, requiredOneOfAttributeSets uses a message which allows a list of lists, allowing expressions such as this one:

(requiredAttributes[0] AND requiredAttributes[1] AND ...)
  (requiredOneOfAttributeSets[0][0] AND
  requiredOneOfAttributeSets[0][1] AND
  (requiredOneOfAttributeSets[1][0] AND
  requiredOneOfAttributeSets[1][1] AND

Restricts the search to only those vehicles with all the attributes in a VehicleAttributeList. Within each list, a vehicle must match all of the attributes. This field is a conjunction/AND operation in each VehicleAttributeList and inclusive disjunction/OR operation across the collection of VehicleAttributeList.


enum (VehicleMatchOrder)

Required. Specifies the desired ordering criterion for results.



This indicates if vehicles with a single active trip are eligible for this search. This field is only used when currentTripsPresent is unspecified. When currentTripsPresent is unspecified and this field is false, vehicles with assigned trips are excluded from the search results. When currentTripsPresent is unspecified and this field is true, search results can include vehicles with one active trip that has a status of ENROUTE_TO_DROPOFF. When currentTripsPresent is specified, this field cannot be set to true.

The default value is false.



Indicates the trip associated with this SearchVehicleRequest.


enum (CurrentTripsPresent)

This indicates if vehicles with active trips are eligible for this search. This must be set to something other than CURRENT_TRIPS_PRESENT_UNSPECIFIED if tripType includes SHARED.



Optional. A filter query to apply when searching vehicles. See for examples of the filter syntax.

This field is designed to replace the requiredAttributes, requiredOneOfAttributes, and required_one_of_attributes_sets fields. If a non-empty value is specified here, the following fields must be empty: requiredAttributes, requiredOneOfAttributes, and required_one_of_attributes_sets.

This filter functions as an AND clause with other constraints, such as minimumCapacity or vehicleTypes.

Note that the only queries supported are on vehicle attributes (for example, attributes.<key> = <value> or attributes.<key1> = <value1> AND attributes.<key2> = <value2>). The maximum number of restrictions allowed in a filter query is 50.

Also, all attributes are stored as strings, so the only supported comparisons against attributes are string comparisons. In order to compare against number or boolean values, the values must be explicitly quoted to be treated as strings (for example, attributes.<key> = "10" or attributes.<key> = "true").

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of SearchVehiclesResponse.