Tính toán ví dụ về ma trận tuyến đường

Bạn có thể sử dụng phương thức ComputeRouteMatrix cho yêu cầu và phản hồi HTTP hoặc với bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào hỗ trợ gRPC, bao gồm cả Java và Go.

Ví dụ về HTTP

Ví dụ sau đây cho thấy một yêu cầu và phản hồi HTTP ComputeRouteMatrix.

Yêu cầu:

curl -X POST -d '{
"origins": [
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
"latitude": 37.420761,
"longitude": -122.081356,
"routeModifiers": { "avoidFerries": true}
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
"latitude": 37.403184,
"longitude": -122.097371,
"routeModifiers": { "avoidFerries": true}
"destinations": [
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
"latitude": 37.420999,
"longitude": -122.086894,
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
"latitude": 37.383047,
"longitude": -122.044651,
"travelMode": "DRIVE",
"routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>' -H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: originIndex,destinationIndex,duration,distanceMeters,status' 'https://routespreferred.googleapis.com/v1alpha:computeRouteMatrix'

Phản hồi:

  "status": {},
  "distanceMeters": 827,
  "duration": "139s"
  "originIndex": 1,
  "destinationIndex": 1,
  "status": {},
  "distanceMeters": 5597,
  "duration": "383s"
  "originIndex": 1,
  "status": {},
  "distanceMeters": 2926,
  "duration": "316s"
  "destinationIndex": 1,
  "status": {},
  "distanceMeters": 8602,
  "duration": "613s"

Ví dụ sau đây cho thấy một yêu cầu và phản hồi HTTP ComputeRouteMatrix để tính toán giá đường thu phí ước tính.

Yêu cầu:

curl -X POST -d '{
"origins": [
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
"routeModifiers": {
      "emissionType": "GASOLINE"
    "tollPasses": [
"destinations": [
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
        "longitude": -122.1676792
"travelMode": "DRIVE",
"routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE"
}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>' -H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: originIndex,destinationIndex,travelAdvisory,duration,distanceMeters,status' 'https://routespreferred.googleapis.com/v1alpha:computeRouteMatrix'

Phản hồi:

  "status": {},
  "distanceMeters": 22498,
  "duration": "1251s",
  "travelAdvisory": {
    "tollInfo": {
      "estimatedPrice": [
          "currencyCode": "USD",
          "units": "2",
          "nanos": 700000000

Ví dụ về Java và Go

Các ví dụ sau đây minh hoạ cách gọi phương thức ComputeRouteMatrix bằng Java hoặc Bắt đầu. Xem JavaTruy cập GitHub kho lưu trữ để hướng dẫn tạo bản dựng.


package com.example;

import com.google.maps.routes.v1.*;
import com.google.type.LatLng;
import io.grpc.CallOptions;
import io.grpc.Channel;
import io.grpc.ClientCall;
import io.grpc.ClientInterceptor;
import io.grpc.ClientInterceptors;
import io.grpc.ForwardingClientCall;
import io.grpc.Metadata;
import io.grpc.MethodDescriptor;
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException;
import io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class RoutesPreferredClient {
    // For more detail on inserting API keys, see:
    // https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/grpc/restricting-api-access-with-api-keys#java
    // For more detail on system parameters (such as FieldMask), see:
    // https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/system-parameters
    private static final class RoutesPreferredInterceptor implements ClientInterceptor {
        private final String apiKey;
        private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutesPreferredInterceptor.class.getName());
        private static Metadata.Key<String> API_KEY_HEADER = Metadata.Key.of("x-goog-api-key",
        private static Metadata.Key<String> FIELD_MASK_HEADER = Metadata.Key.of("x-goog-fieldmask",

        public RoutesPreferredInterceptor(String apiKey) {
            this.apiKey = apiKey;

        public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method,
                CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
            logger.info("Intercepted " + method.getFullMethodName());
            ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> call = next.newCall(method, callOptions);
            call = new ForwardingClientCall.SimpleForwardingClientCall<ReqT, RespT>(call) {
                public void start(Listener<RespT> responseListener, Metadata headers) {
                    headers.put(API_KEY_HEADER, apiKey);
                    // Note that setting the field mask to * is OK for testing, but discouraged in
                    // production.
                    // For example, for ComputeRoutes, set the field mask to
                    // "routes.distanceMeters,routes.duration,routes.polyline.encodedPolyline"
                    // in order to get the route distances, durations, and encoded polylines.
                    headers.put(FIELD_MASK_HEADER, "*");
                    super.start(responseListener, headers);
            return call;

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RoutesPreferredClient.class.getName());
    private final RoutesPreferredGrpc.RoutesPreferredBlockingStub blockingStub;

    public RoutesPreferredClient(Channel channel) {
        blockingStub = RoutesPreferredGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);

    public static Waypoint createWaypointForLatLng(double lat, double lng) {
        return Waypoint.newBuilder()

    public void computeRoutes() {
        ComputeRoutesRequest request = ComputeRoutesRequest.newBuilder()
                .setOrigin(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420761, -122.081356))
                .setDestination(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420999, -122.086894)).setTravelMode(RouteTravelMode.DRIVE)
        ComputeRoutesResponse response;
        try {
            logger.info("About to send request: " + request.toString());
            response = blockingStub.withDeadlineAfter(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).computeRoutes(request);
        } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "RPC failed: {0}", e.getStatus());
        logger.info("Response: " + response.toString());

    public void computeRouteMatrix() {
        ComputeRouteMatrixRequest request = ComputeRouteMatrixRequest.newBuilder()
                .addOrigins(RouteMatrixOrigin.newBuilder().setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420761, -122.081356))
                .addOrigins(RouteMatrixOrigin.newBuilder().setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.403184, -122.097371)))
                        .setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.420999, -122.086894)))
                        .setWaypoint(createWaypointForLatLng(37.383047, -122.044651)))
        Iterator<RouteMatrixElement> elements;
        try {
            logger.info("About to send request: " + request.toString());
            elements = blockingStub.withDeadlineAfter(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).computeRouteMatrix(request);
        } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, "RPC failed: {0}", e.getStatus());

        while (elements.hasNext()) {
            logger.info("Element response: " + elements.next().toString());

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String apiKey = System.getenv("GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY");

        // The standard TLS port is 443
        Channel channel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("routespreferred.googleapis.com", 443).build();
        channel = ClientInterceptors.intercept(channel, new RoutesPreferredInterceptor(apiKey));

        RoutesPreferredClient client = new RoutesPreferredClient(channel);


package main

import (

	v1 "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/maps/routes/v1"

const (
	serverAddr = "routespreferred.googleapis.com:443"
	// Note that setting the field mask to * is OK for testing, but discouraged in
	// production.
	// For example, for ComputeRoutes, set the field mask to
	// "routes.distanceMeters,routes.duration,routes.polyline.encodedPolyline"
	// in order to get the route distances, durations, and encoded polylines.
	fieldMask = "*"

func createWaypoint(lat float64, lng float64) *v1.Waypoint {
	return &v1.Waypoint{LocationType: &v1.Waypoint_Location{
		Location: &v1.Location{
			LatLng: &latlng.LatLng{Latitude: lat, Longitude: lng},

func callComputeRoutes(client v1.RoutesPreferredClient, ctx *context.Context) {
	request := v1.ComputeRoutesRequest{
		Origin:                   createWaypoint(37.420761, -122.081356),
		Destination:              createWaypoint(37.420999, -122.086894),
		TravelMode:               v1.RouteTravelMode_DRIVE,
		RoutingPreference:        v1.RoutingPreference_TRAFFIC_AWARE,
		ComputeAlternativeRoutes: true,
		Units:                    v1.Units_METRIC,
		LanguageCode:             "en-us",
		RouteModifiers: &v1.RouteModifiers{
			AvoidTolls:    false,
			AvoidHighways: true,
			AvoidFerries:  true,
		PolylineQuality: v1.PolylineQuality_OVERVIEW,
	marshaler := proto.TextMarshaler{}
	log.Printf("Sending request: \n%s", marshaler.Text(&request))
	result, err := client.ComputeRoutes(*ctx, &request)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to call ComputeRoutes: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Result: %s", marshaler.Text(result))

func callComputeRouteMatrix(client v1.RoutesPreferredClient, ctx *context.Context) {
	request := v1.ComputeRouteMatrixRequest{
		Origins: []*v1.RouteMatrixOrigin{
			{Waypoint: createWaypoint(37.420761, -122.081356), RouteModifiers: &v1.RouteModifiers{
				AvoidTolls:    false,
				AvoidHighways: true,
				AvoidFerries:  true,
			{Waypoint: createWaypoint(37.403184, -122.097371)},
		Destinations: []*v1.RouteMatrixDestination{
			{Waypoint: createWaypoint(37.420999, -122.086894)},
			{Waypoint: createWaypoint(37.383047, -122.044651)},
		TravelMode:        v1.RouteTravelMode_DRIVE,
		RoutingPreference: v1.RoutingPreference_TRAFFIC_AWARE,
	marshaler := proto.TextMarshaler{}
	log.Printf("Sending request: \n%s", marshaler.Text(&request))
	stream, err := client.ComputeRouteMatrix(*ctx, &request)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to call ComputeRouteMatrix: %v", err)
	for {
		element, err := stream.Recv()
		if err == io.EOF {
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Received error in ComputeRouteMatrix stream: %v", err)
		log.Printf("Element: %s\n", marshaler.Text(element))

func main() {
	config := tls.Config{}
	conn, err := grpc.Dial(serverAddr,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to connect: %v", err)
	defer conn.Close()
	client := v1.NewRoutesPreferredClient(conn)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
	ctx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "X-Goog-Api-Key", os.Getenv("GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY"))
	ctx = metadata.AppendToOutgoingContext(ctx, "X-Goog-Fieldmask", fieldMask)
	defer cancel()

	callComputeRoutes(client, &ctx)
	callComputeRouteMatrix(client, &ctx)

Ví dụ về cách tính phí cầu đường

Ví dụ sau đây sử dụng phương thức computeRouteMatrix để trả về thông tin về phí cầu đường trên một tuyến đường có giá ước tính khi sử dụng thẻ cầu đường.

Tính năng này được bật bằng mặt nạ trường routes.travelAdvisory.tollInfo được chỉ định trong yêu cầu. Thẻ đường thu phí được chỉ định trong trường route_modifiers. Phí cầu đường được trả về dựa trên giá sử dụng thẻ/vé đã chỉ định. Nếu bạn chỉ định nhiều thẻ và vé, hệ thống sẽ trả về mức giá thấp nhất.

Yêu cầu:

curl -X POST -d '{
"origins": [
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
"routeModifiers": {
      "emissionType": "GASOLINE"
    "tollPasses": [
"destinations": [
"waypoint": { "location": { "latLng": {
        "longitude": -122.1676792
"travelMode": "DRIVE",
"routingPreference": "TRAFFIC_AWARE"
}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
-H 'X-Goog-Api-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>'  \
-H 'X-Goog-FieldMask: originIndex,destinationIndex,travelAdvisory,duration,distanceMeters,status' 'https://routespreferred.googleapis.com/v1alpha:computeRouteMatrix'

Phản hồi:

  "status": {},
  "distanceMeters": 22495,
  "duration": "1446s",
  "travelAdvisory": {
    "tollInfo": {
      "estimatedPrice": [
          "currencyCode": "USD",
          "units": "4",
          "nanos": 300000000