
public final class MapStyleOptions extends AbstractSafeParcelable

Defines styling options for a GoogleMap.

With style options you can customize the presentation of the standard Google map styles, changing the visual display of features like roads, parks, and other points of interest. As well as changing the style of these features, you can also hide features entirely. This means that you can emphasize particular components of the map or make the map complement the content of your app.

Developer Guide

For more information, read the developer guide.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Constructor Summary

MapStyleOptions(String json)
Creates a new set of map style options based on the given JSON styling string.

Public Method Summary

static MapStyleOptions
loadRawResourceStyle(Context clientContext, int resourceId)
Creates a new set of map style options based on the a JSON styling string loaded from a raw resource identifier.
writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

public MapStyleOptions (String json)

Creates a new set of map style options based on the given JSON styling string.


Public Methods

public static MapStyleOptions loadRawResourceStyle (Context clientContext, int resourceId)

Creates a new set of map style options based on the a JSON styling string loaded from a raw resource identifier.

clientContext Client context for the supplied resourceId.
resourceId Id of a raw resource containing the styling JSON.
  • A reference to this MapStyleOptions to allow call chaining.
if resourceId is not a valid raw resource id or the resource could not be read.

public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, int flags)
