Add and Update Inventory

You should use <Result> elements in a Transaction message to set or update room prices and define available inventory. These elements reference a predefined data for descriptions of rooms and Room Bundles using metadata that you define in a separate Transaction message. Updating your inventory depends upon the type of delivery mode and your preferred frequency.

The following example shows a <Result> element that defines the inventories and prices for two rooms:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2023-04-24T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
    <Baserate currency="USD">278.33</Baserate>
    <Tax currency="USD">25.12</Tax>
    <OtherFees currency="USD">2.00</OtherFees>
      <PointOfSale id="site1"/>
    <Baserate currency="USD">299.98</Baserate>
    <Tax currency="USD">26.42</Tax>
    <OtherFees currency="USD">2.00</OtherFees>
      <PointOfSale id="otto"/>
      <PointOfSale id="simon"/>

The example above doesn't contain information about the room, such as a description, a picture URL and caption, the room's name, or its capacity. Such information can be sent in an initial Transaction message to Google, and can then be referenced by RoomID in all subsequent pricing and inventory updates. For more details, see Define room and package metadata.

In addition to defining prices for itineraries, you can also use the <Result> element to do the following:

  • Remove a room or itinerary from inventory. Learn more

  • Specify additional room types as Room Bundles. Learn more