Using community visualizations as filters

You can use your community visualization as a chart filter, filtering the report through interactions with your community visualization.

How community visualization chart filters work

In order to use your community visualization as a chart filter, you need to:

  1. Configure the config.interactions property
  2. Write code that calls dscc.sendInteraction() with the filter information.

Defining interactions

If your visualization supports interactions, they should be defined in your config. When defined, a checkbox shows up in the property panel.

Example config.interactions:

  "data": ...,
  "style": ...,
  "interactions": [
      "id": "interactionsConfigId",
      "supportedActions": ["FILTER"]

Writing code for a filter

Use dscc.sendInteraction() to associate user interaction with a filter action.


const handleInteraction = () => {
  // this is the interactionId defined in the config
  const interactionId = "interactionConfigId";

  // the ID of the field you want to filter on
  const dimensionId = "qt_ky8sltutsb";

  // the value of the field you want to filter on
  const value = "USA";

  // the interaction type - only FILTER is supported right now
  const FILTER = dscc.InteractionType.FILTER;

  let interactionData = {
    concepts: [dimensionId],
    values: [[value]]

  // send Looker Studio an instruction to filter other charts in the dashboard
  dscc.sendInteraction(interactionId, FILTER, interactionData);

Looker Studio will ignore messages sent by dscc.sendInteraction if the report editor has not enabled "filter" interactions for your visualization.

Keeping track of filter state

The data object Looker Studio sends to your visualization provides information about interactions.

Example data.interactions:

"onClick": {
  "value": {
    "type": "FILTER",
      "data": {
      "concepts": [
        "values": [
  "supportedActions": [

If is not undefined, the visualization is currently filtering other components of the dashboard.


const barHighlighting = (interactionsById) => {
  // the interactionId defined in the config
  const interactionId = "interactionConfigId";

  const interactionField = interactionsById[interactionId];

  // if filter is selected
  const filterSelected = interactionField.type === "FILTER";
  // if the viz is currently acting as a filter
  const filterHasData = "data" in interactionField;

  if (filterSelected && filterHasData){
    // call the highlightBar function on the selected data
  } else {
    // clear highlighting if no data selected

Constructing interactionData

The interactionData object defines how Looker Studio will filter your dashboard.

Single dimension filter

This bar chart visualizes number of books by language (one dimension and one metric). Suppose a user selected the bar corresponding to books in Spanish, and you wanted the selection to filter the rest of the dashboard. Your interactionData would look like this:

var interactionData = {
  "concepts": ["languageDimensionId"],
  "values": [["Spanish"]]

Multiple dimension filter

This heatmap shows temperature by day of week and time of day (two dimensions and one metric). Suppose a user selected the cells corresponding to "Monday evening" and "Friday afternoon", and you wanted to filter the rest of the dashboard to only show data from either "Monday evening" or "Friday afternoon".Your interactionData would look like this:

var interactionData = {
  "concepts": ["dayOfWeekDimensionId", "timeOfDayDimensionId"],
  "values": [
    ["Monday", "evening"],
    ["Friday", "afternoon"]