Build a Community Connector

The steps to building a Community Connector are:

  1. Create a new Apps Script project.
  2. Write the connector code.
  3. Complete the project manifest.

Create a new Apps Script project

Visit Google Apps Script to create a new project. Apps Script will create a default script for you. Feel free to remove the myFunction function and rename the project. (Learn more about Apps Script)

Write the connector code

Every connector is required to have a specific set of functions defined. The hosting application (e.g. Looker Studio) will execute these functions. Your connector is expected to handle incoming requests and respond as described in the Community Connector API reference. If you face issues while developing your code, read the debugging guide for help.

Define authentication type in getAuthType()

This function is called to identify the authentication method used for the 3rd-party service. See the getAuthType() reference for details. Currently supported authentication methods are listed in AuthType reference.

For example, the following connector does not require authentication:

var cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector();

function getAuthType() {
  var AuthTypes = cc.AuthType;
  return cc

If your data source requires OAuth 2.0 authentication, view the OAuth 2.0 authentication guide and add the additional required functions to your connector.

Define configuration via getConfig()

The getConfig() function is called to get the configuration for the connector, including the user provided values that your connector requires. See getConfig() reference for details.

Based on the response provided by getConfig(), Looker Studio will render the connector configuration screen. The configuration elements supported are listed in ConfigType reference.

If your data source requires date as a parameter, call config.setDateRangeRequired(true). If you need to ask conditional or dynamic configuration questions, see stepped config.

The following is an example of a connector that requires the user to enter an npm package name code. An info and an input field are defined in the getConfig() function:

function getConfig() {
  var config = cc.getConfig();

      'Enter npm package names to fetch their download count. An invalid or blank entry will revert to the default value.'

      'Enter a single package name or multiple names separated by commas (no spaces!)'
    .setHelpText('e.g. "googleapis" or "package,somepackage,anotherpackage"')



Define the fields with getSchema()

This function is called to get the schema for the given request. Any configuration parameters defined by the getConfig() function will be provided in the request argument. See getSchema() reference for details.

Depending on your connector's data source and the configuration provided by the user, the schema may be fixed or you may have to dynamically provide this at request time.

For example, if a connector is fetching report data based on a Report ID, the data returned for that report and hence the schema may not be known beforehand. In this case getSchema() may require a data fetch and the schema will have to be calculated.

function getFields() {
  var fields = cc.getFields();
  var types = cc.FieldType;
  var aggregations = cc.AggregationType;




  return fields;

function getSchema(request) {
  return {schema: getFields().build()};

Fetch and return data with getData()

This function is called to get data for the given request. Any configuration parameters defined by the getConfig() function will be provided in the request argument. See getData() reference for details.

The following parameters from the getData() request require additional attention:

  • lastRefresh
    lastRefresh represents a timestamp that marks the time of the most recent request for a refresh of data. You should be able to parse the value with new Date(timestampString). If you are using Apps Script Cache Service or any other caching method, the lastRefresh timestamp can help you to determine whether to make a new fetch request to the data source or serve data from the cache.

  • dateRange
    If dateRangeRequired is set to true in getConfig(), each getData() call will contain the selected date range in the request. See Working with Date Ranges for more details.

The following example fetches data based on the incoming request and returns the package statistics:

function getData(request) {
  request.configParams = validateConfig(request.configParams);

  var requestedFields = getFields().forIds( {

  try {
    var apiResponse = fetchDataFromApi(request);
    var normalizedResponse = normalizeResponse(request, apiResponse);
    var data = getFormattedData(normalizedResponse, requestedFields);
  } catch (e) {
      .setDebugText('Error fetching data from API. Exception details: ' + e)
        'The connector has encountered an unrecoverable error. Please try again later, or file an issue if this error persists.'

  return {
    rows: data

 * Gets response for UrlFetchApp.
 * @param {Object} request Data request parameters.
 * @returns {string} Response text for UrlFetchApp.
function fetchDataFromApi(request) {
  var url = [
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  return response;

 * Parses response string into an object. Also standardizes the object structure
 * for single vs multiple packages.
 * @param {Object} request Data request parameters.
 * @param {string} responseString Response from the API.
 * @return {Object} Contains package names as keys and associated download count
 *     information(object) as values.
function normalizeResponse(request, responseString) {
  var response = JSON.parse(responseString);
  var package_list = request.configParams.package.split(',');
  var mapped_response = {};

  if (package_list.length == 1) {
    mapped_response[package_list[0]] = response;
  } else {
    mapped_response = response;

  return mapped_response;

 * Formats the parsed response from external data source into correct tabular
 * format and returns only the requestedFields
 * @param {Object} parsedResponse The response string from external data source
 *     parsed into an object in a standard format.
 * @param {Array} requestedFields The fields requested in the getData request.
 * @returns {Array} Array containing rows of data in key-value pairs for each
 *     field.
function getFormattedData(response, requestedFields) {
  var data = [];
  Object.keys(response).map(function(packageName) {
    var package = response[packageName];
    var downloadData = package.downloads;
    var formattedData = {
      return formatData(requestedFields, packageName, dailyDownload);
    data = data.concat(formattedData);
  return data;

Complete the project manifest

The manifest file contains information about your Community Connector that is required to deploy and use your connector in Looker Studio.

To edit the manifest file in the Apps Script development environment, click on the View menu and click Show manifest file. This will create a new appsscript.json manifest file.

Update the manifest to include the following data:

  "dependencies": {
    "libraries": []
  "dataStudio": {
    "name": "npm Downloads",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "company": "Google Data Studio Developer Relations",
    "companyUrl": "",
    "addonUrl": "",
    "supportUrl": "",
    "description": "Get npm package download counts.",
    "sources": ["npm"],
    "templates": {
      "default": "1twu0sHjqR5dELAPyGJcw4GS3-D0_NTrQ"
  "oauthScopes": [

For details on Looker Studio manifest, see the reference manifest reference.

Next steps

The next step will be to deploy your Community Connector.