您可以使用 Google 多媒體廣告、Video 360 UI,還是 也能使用 Google Cloud CLI 或 Compute Engine API舉例來說,使用者可以建立每日報表,顯示昨天的 曝光數,或是顯示總支出的每月報表。
在「多媒體 &Video 368」中建立新的定期報表Video 360 報表介面
呼叫 queries.create
API 方法詳情請參閱
多媒體和Display & Video 360 的報表功能以及如何建立新報表
資源庫位於 Display &Video 360 中Video 360 支援網站。
只要使用使用者介面中的 Repeats
設定好適當的欄位後,這份報表就會按照排程執行 之後,您便可下載產生的報表。
定期報表會以簡易的 CSV 檔案產生及自動儲存 安全地將應用程式儲存在 Google Cloud Storage 中不過,如要存取 直接包含這些檔案的 Google Cloud Storage 值區。相反地 檔案可以在「Display &Video 360 中」或已擷取的 Video 360 使用者介面 程式使用預先授權網址 (從 並嚴謹測試及提升 API 的公平性後 我們才能放心地推出 API
以下使用 API 下載報表檔案的範例。在本
用於找出報表檔案,並將內容下載至本機 CSV 檔案。
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.media.MediaHttpDownloader; import com.google.api.client.googleapis.util.Utils; import com.google.api.client.http.GenericUrl; import com.google.api.services.doubleclickbidmanager.DoubleClickBidManager; import com.google.api.services.doubleclickbidmanager.model.ListReportsResponse; import com.google.api.services.doubleclickbidmanager.model.Report; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream;
long queryId = query-id; // Call the API, listing the reports under the given queryId from most to // least recent. ListReportsResponse reportListResponse = service .queries() .reports() .list(queryId) .setOrderBy("key.reportId desc") .execute(); // Iterate over returned reports, stopping once finding a report that // finished generating successfully. Report mostRecentReport = null; if (reportListResponse.getReports() != null) { for (Report report : reportListResponse.getReports()) { if (report.getMetadata().getStatus().getState().equals("DONE")) { mostRecentReport = report; break; } } } else { System.out.format("No reports exist for query Id %s.\n", queryId); } // Download report file of most recent finished report found. if (mostRecentReport != null) { // Retrieve GCS URL from report object. GenericUrl reportUrl = new GenericUrl(mostRecentReport.getMetadata().getGoogleCloudStoragePath()); // Build filename. String filename = mostRecentReport.getKey().getQueryId() + "_" + mostRecentReport.getKey().getReportId() + ".csv"; // Download the report file. try (OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(filename)) { MediaHttpDownloader downloader = new MediaHttpDownloader(Utils.getDefaultTransport(), null); downloader.download(reportUrl, output); } System.out.format("Download of file %s complete.\n", filename); } else { System.out.format( "There are no completed report files to download for query Id %s.\n", queryId); }
from contextlib import closing from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
query_id = query-id # Call the API, listing the reports under the given queryId from most to # least recent. response = service.queries().reports().list(queryId=query_id, orderBy="key.reportId desc").execute() # Iterate over returned reports, stopping once finding a report that # finished generating successfully. most_recent_report = None if response['reports']: for report in response['reports']: if report['metadata']['status']['state'] == 'DONE': most_recent_report = report break else: print('No reports exist for query Id %s.' % query_id) # Download report file of most recent finished report found. if most_recent_report != None: # Retrieve GCS URL from report object. report_url = most_recent_report['metadata']['googleCloudStoragePath'] # Build filename. output_file = '%s_%s.csv' % (report['key']['queryId'], report['key']['reportId']) # Download the report file. with open(output_file, 'wb') as output: with closing(urlopen(report_url)) as url: output.write(url.read()) print('Download of file %s complete.' % output_file) else: print('There are no completed report files to download for query Id %s.' % query_id)
$queryId = query-id; // Call the API, listing the reports under the given queryId from most to // least recent. $optParams = array('orderBy' => "key.reportId desc"); $response = $service->queries_reports->listQueriesReports($queryId, $optParams); // Iterate over returned reports, stopping once finding a report that // finished generating successfully. $mostRecentReport = null; if (!empty($response->getReports())) { foreach ($response->getReports() as $report) { if ($report->metadata->status->state == "DONE") { $mostRecentReport = $report; break; } } } else { printf('<p>No reports exist for query ID %s.</p>', $queryId); } // Download report file of most recent finished report found. if ($mostRecentReport != null) { // Build filename. $filename = $mostRecentReport->key->queryId . '_' . $mostRecentReport->key->reportId . '.csv'; // Download the report file. file_put_contents($filename, fopen($mostRecentReport->metadata->googleCloudStoragePath, 'r')); printf('<p>Download of file %s complete.</p>', $filename); } else { printf('<p>There are no completed report files to download for query Id %s.</p>', $queryId); }