Google 操作用户指南

本指南介绍了如何在常见使用场景中使用 gactions 命令行界面 (CLI) 工具。如需了解如何端到端构建 Action,请参阅对话型 Action 构建文档。


使用 Actions SDK 时,gactions 就是用于在 Actions 控制台和本地文件系统之间同步 Action 项目的工具。

gactions pull 操作会将项目从 Actions 控制台导出到本地文件系统,gactions push 操作会将项目从本地文件系统推送到 Actions 控制台。

从 Actions 控制台下载 Action

运行 gactions pull 以将 Actions 项目的配置复制到本地文件系统。

您可以通过命令行传递要复制的项目的 project-id,也可以将其写入 settings/settings.yaml 文件中。如果两者都存在,CLI 会优先考虑作为选项传递的值。

mkdir -p myAction/sdk
cd myAction/sdk
gactions pull --project-id my-project-id
Pulling your project files from Draft for a project id: "my-project-id"
✔ Done. You should see the files written in path/to/myAction/sdk
ls -l
total 8
drwxr-x---  3 user  primarygroup   96 May  7 10:00 actions
drwxr-x---  4 user  primarygroup  128 May  7 10:00 custom
-rw-r-----  1 user  primarygroup   15 May  7 10:00 manifest.yaml
drwxr-x---  3 user  primarygroup   96 May  7 10:00 settings
vi settings/settings.yaml
// change projectId to "my-other-project-id"
gactions pull
Pulling your project files from Draft for a project id: "my-other-project-id"
path/to/myAction/sdk/manifest.yaml already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?. [y/n]
✔ Done. You should see the files written in path/to/myAction/sdk

上面的代码段展示了如何从项目草稿中提取 Action。此外,您还可以从 Action 的特定版本中提取数据。版本代表所提交的 Actions 项目副本,该副本可以部署到发布渠道。

--version-id 标志指定要拉取的版本。

mkdir -p myAction/sdk
cd myAction/sdk
gactions pull --project-id my-project-id --version-id my-version-id
Pulling version "my-version-id" of the project "my-project-id" from Actions Console...
✔ Done. You should see the files written in path/to/myAction/sdk
ls -l
total 8
drwxr-x---  3 user  primarygroup   96 May  7 10:00 actions
drwxr-x---  4 user  primarygroup  128 May  7 10:00 custom
-rw-r-----  1 user  primarygroup   15 May  7 10:00 manifest.yaml
drwxr-x---  3 user  primarygroup   96 May  7 10:00 settings

如果您想要覆盖文件的本地副本而不要求用户确认,请使用 --force 标志。使用 --clean 标志可移除远程草稿或版本中不存在的任何本地文件。结合使用这两种方法可获取 Actions 控制台项目的精确副本。

touch local_file.txt
gactions pull --force
Pulling your project files from Draft for a project id: "my-project-id"
[WARNING] 2020/05/07 17:34:32 path/to/myAction/sdk/local_file.txt is not present in the draft of your Action. To remove, run pull with --clean flag.
✔ Done. You should see the files written in path/to/myAction/sdk
gactions pull --force --clean
Pulling your project files from Draft for a project id: "my-project-id"
[WARNING] 2020/05/07 17:43:44 path/to/myAction/sdk/local_file.txt is not present in the draft of your Action. Removing path/to/myAction/sdk/local_file.txt.
✔ Done. You should see the files written in path/to/myAction/sdk

将 Action 推送到 Actions 控制台项目草稿

运行 gactions push,将本地文件系统中的更改推送到控制台中的 Action 草稿。此过程在开发期间非常有用,可让您查看在 Actions 控制台中反映的更改,而不会影响为测试提供的版本。

gactions push
Pushing your project files to your Actions console draft for a project id: "my-project-id". This may take a few minutes.
Sending configuration files
Waiting for server to respond.
✔ Done. You can now navigate to the Actions Console: to view your project. If you want to test your changes in the simulator, run "gactions deploy preview"



  1. 查看目标修订版本(取决于系统)。
  2. 替换项目的 settings.yamlprojectId 的值。
  3. (可选)运行 gactions push 以将本地配置文件复制到 Actions 项目。
git clone
Cloning into 'repo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 51 (delta 3), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 41
Receiving objects: 100% (51/51), 36.86 KiB | 3.69 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (11/11), done.
cd repo/sdk/
vi settings/settings.yaml
// change the value of `projectId`
gactions push


运行 gactions versions list 以查看有关 Action 版本的详细信息。如需详细了解版本状态,请参阅状态参考文档。

gactions versions list
Version         Status          Last Modified By        Modified On     
1           Created  2020-09-28 20:22:04



借助 gactions deploy 命令,您可以部署项目以在 Actions 模拟器中进行测试,也可以部署到 Alpha/Beta/正式版渠道。


运行 gactions deploy preview 以将您的 Action 部署到“预览”,这样您无需实际更新 Action 项目的版本或影响其他开发者,就可以在控制台中测试 Action。换言之,您在本地文件系统中所做的任何更改都不会传播到 Actions 项目的已部署版本中,但可用于在预览版本上进行测试。

gactions deploy preview
Deploying your project files to your Actions console preview for a project id: "my-project". This may take a few minutes.
Sending configuration files
Waiting for server to respond.
✔ Done. You can now navigate to the Actions Console simulator to test your changes:


运行 gactions deploy 为 Alpha/beta/prod 渠道创建版本版本,您可以通过 Actions 控制台中的 Deploy 部分管理这些版本。您可以使用它通过 Alpha 和/或 Beta 渠道测试 Action 的候选版本,并在对反馈满意后将候选版本转至正式版。

gactions deploy alpha
Deploying your project files to a actions.channels.Alpha channel for a project id: "my-project-id"
Sending configuration files
Waiting for server to respond.
✔ Done. Your Action was deployed to actions.channels.Alpha channel. You can check status of deployment in the Actions Console.


运行 gactions release-channels list 以查看有关 Action 的发布渠道的详细信息。您可以使用此命令来识别每个渠道中已部署或待处理的版本。

gactions release-channels list
Release Channel             Current Version             Pending Version
alpha                   1                     N/A


gactions encryptgactions decrypt 命令可用于管理 OAuth2 客户端密钥。这些命令专用于帐号关联

加密 OAuth2 帐号关联客户端密钥

运行 gactions encrypt 可以为身份验证代码 OAuth2 帐号关联流程安全地添加客户端密钥,或者使用新的加密密钥加密现有密钥。

gactions encrypt
Write your secret: *********************
Encrypting your client secret
path/to/myAction/sdk/settings/accountLinkingSecret.yaml already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?. [y/n]
✔ Done. Encrypted secret was written to path/to/myAction/sdk/settings/accountLinkingSecret.yaml


如果您需要临时访问项目密钥的纯文本值,请运行 gactions decrypt。该命令会将值输出到您选择的文本文件中。 我们建议将目标文件放在项目的根文件夹之外,以避免纯文本值意外泄露。

gactions decrypt ../../burn_after_read.txt
Decrypting your client secret
✔ Done. Check path/above/myActions/burn_after_read.txt to find decrypted client secret.
vi ../../burn_after_read.txt
rm ../../burn_after_read.txt