
Action 物件可讓您在 Google Workspace 外掛程式中建構互動式行為。可定義使用者與外掛程式 UI 中的小工具 (例如按鈕) 互動時會發生的情況。


舉例來說,假設您想要一個按鈕,當使用者點選該按鈕時,該按鈕便會建構並顯示新資訊卡。為此,您必須建立新的按鈕小工具,並使用按鈕小工具處理常式函式 setOnClickAction(action) 設定卡片建構 Action。您定義的 Action 會指定在點選按鈕時執行的 Apps Script 回呼函式。在這種情況下,您可以實作回呼函式來建構所需資訊卡,並傳回 ActionResponse 物件。回應物件會指示外掛程式顯示建構的回呼函式。



擴充 Google 日曆的 Google Workspace 外掛程式可包含一些其他日曆專屬的小工具動作。下列操作需要相關聯的動作回呼函式傳回特殊回應物件:

已嘗試執行動作 回呼函式應會傳回
新增參與者 CalendarEventActionResponse
設定會議資料 CalendarEventActionResponse
新增附件 CalendarEventActionResponse


  • 動作會在使用者開啟日曆活動時觸發。
  • 外掛程式的 addOns.calendar.currentEventAccess 資訊清單欄位會設為 WRITEREAD_WRITE
  • 外掛程式包含 https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.addons.current.event.write 日曆範圍




   * Build a simple card with a button that sends a notification.
   * This function is called as part of the eventOpenTrigger that builds
   * a UI when the user opens an event.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventOpenTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add new attendee')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can add
    // attendees and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canAddAttendees) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Adds attendees to the
   * Calendar event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onAddAttendeesButtonClicked (e) {
    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()
        .addAttendees(["aiko@example.com", "malcom@example.com"])


這項操作會在開放活動中設定會議資料。對於這項會議資料,您必須指定會議解決方案 ID,因為使用者選擇了所需解決方案時並未觸發動作。


   * Build a simple card with a button that sends a notification.
   * This function is called as part of the eventOpenTrigger that builds
   * a UI when the user opens a Calendar event.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventOpenTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
          {'phone': "1555123467", 'adminEmail': "joyce@example.com"});
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add new attendee')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can set
    // conference data and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canSetConferenceData) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Sets conference data for the
   * Calendar event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onSaveConferenceOptionsButtonClicked(e) {
    var parameters = e.commonEventObject.parameters;

    // Create an entry point and a conference parameter.
    var phoneEntryPoint = ConferenceDataService.newEntryPoint()
      .setUri('tel:' + parameters['phone']);

    var adminEmailParameter = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceParameter()

    // Create a conference data object to set to this Calendar event.
    var conferenceData = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceDataBuilder()

    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()



   * Build a simple card with a button that creates a new attachment.
   * This function is called as part of the eventAttachmentTrigger that
   * builds a UI when the user goes through the add-attachments flow.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventAttachmentTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add a custom attachment')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can add
    // attachments and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canAddAttachments) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Adds attachments to the Calendar
   * event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onAddAttachmentButtonClicked(e) {
    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()
                 .setTitle("Custom attachment")


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