Contains the games client class.


PageDirection.Direction Direction constants for pagination over data sets. 
Player.FriendsListVisibilityStatus Friends list visibility statuses. 
Player.PlayerFriendStatus Player friend statuses. 
SnapshotsClient.ResolutionPolicy Conflict resolution policy. 


AchievementsClient A client to interact with achievements functionality. 
CurrentPlayerInfo Data object representing the information related only to the signed in user. 
EventsClient A client to interact with events functionality. 
Game Data interface for retrieving game information. 
GamesClient A client to interact with games basic functionality. 
GamesMetadataClient A client to receive GamesMetadata. 
GamesSignInClient A client for performing sign-in with Play Games Services. 
LeaderboardsClient A client to interact with leaderboards functionality. 
Player Data interface for retrieving player information. 
PlayerRelationshipInfo Data object representing the relationship information of a player. 
PlayersClient A client to interact with Players. 
PlayerStatsClient A client to retrieve Player stats. 
RecallClient A client for the recall functionality. 
SnapshotsClient A client to interact with Snapshots. 


AnnotatedData<T> Class to return annotated data. 
AuthenticationResult Represents the current authentication status with Play Games Services. 
GameBuffer Data structure providing access to a list of games. 
GameEntity Data object representing a set of Game data. 
GamesActivityResultCodes Result codes that can be set as result in Activities from the Client UI started with Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int)
GamesCallbackStatusCodes Status codes for Games callbacks. 
GamesClientStatusCodes Status codes for Games Clients methods result Task failures. 
LeaderboardsClient.LeaderboardScores Result delivered when leaderboard scores have been loaded. 
PageDirection Direction constants for pagination over data sets. 
PlayerBuffer Data structure providing access to a list of players. 
PlayerEntity Data object representing a set of Player data. 
PlayerLevel Data object representing a level a player can obtain in the metagame. 
PlayerLevelInfo Data object representing the current level information of a player in the metagame. 
PlayGames Main entry point for the Games APIs. 
PlayGamesSdk Entry point for the Play Games SDK. 
RecallAccess Contains the result of RecallClient.requestRecallAccess()
SnapshotsClient.DataOrConflict<T> Represents the result of attempting to open a snapshot or resolve a conflict from a previous attempt. 
SnapshotsClient.SnapshotConflict Result delivered when a conflict was detected during or SnapshotsClient.resolveConflict(String, Snapshot)


FriendsResolutionRequiredException Exception thrown when trying to access the list of friends. 
SnapshotsClient.SnapshotContentUnavailableApiException Indicates that the snapshot contents are unavailable at the moment, but the SnapshotMetadata is available through getSnapshotMetadata()